Hot Toys- Batman Begins:Batman Demon & Scarecrow spec and pics

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Not an issue for me though, as I will be all about the straightjacket look.
Mask leads to suit.
Suit leads to straight jacket.
Straight jacket leads

It makes Ep 1 gremlin Yoda sad.
1/6 horses are for girls.

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I've got an extra Scarecrow straitjacket for sale, if anyone's interested. Might consider selling off the Scarecrow boots too. Check my signature for the sale thread.
Not me.

Once you go into the rooted hair/accessorizing/horseback territory, you've gone too far. That I consider dolly territory. All Scarecrow needs now is an Arkham Asylum dream house and that ____ is DONE.

Batman, Joker, Terminator, Aliens, Predator, you name it are traditional action figures. All going back to those original GI Joes and Captain Action action figures.

Yeah, they have clothes but they aren't cutesy dolls with "real hair" and marble eyes.

They're plastic representations of some bad ass cult classic characters ranging from horror, sci-fi and action films. With weapons, knives and articulation that makes Ken look like a straight up _____.

If I had the chance to own these as a kid, you better believe some serious ____ would be going down. Not "futzing" hair and obsessing about "OMG, Scarecrow needs a horsey!" No, Scarecrow "gassing Batman and Batman rubbing Scarecrow's face in the CEMENT.

Sure, they wouldn't last very long but it would be a damn good time. Now I collect them, put em on a shelf, forget about them and want MOAR. :(

Don't even appreciate what I have.
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We're ALL playing with dolls.
Perhaps. But we don't all play with dolls with rooted hair you have to comb. Or, as Fabio says, ponies and magical rainbows to ride said ponies over.

For me, the rooted hair is a line in the sand. I'm not willing to go there, even if that means not getting a full Avengers line up on my shelf.
Got my Scarecrow head today. Here's a quick shot of my cheap-a$$ Scarecrow -


That's a good idea. Just buy the head, and suit. I already have an extra body. I may just do this.

I was going to try to get him by himself but for the Price of $250+, no way. If I go about it this way it would be: Head $90(around), suit 39.99, body ( 39.99) = $169.99 but since I already have the body = $129.99
Okay, DiFabio, then you can give me all of your batarangs, joker cards, grenades, knives, machine guns, sticky bomb guns, extra hands, and other "dolly" accessories.

We wouldn't want anyone to get the wrong idea about you...

Oh yeah, and that Tumbler and Batpod - too close for comfort. Send me those too.
Back in the '70's I had GI Joe with lifelike hair and Kung Fu grip, and I still managed to score with the ladies later in life.

You kids are too insecure about your toys.
For me, the rooted hair is a line in the sand. I'm not willing to go there, even if that means not getting a full Avengers line up on my shelf.

Same here, though I'll tolerate female action figures with rooted hair. Simply because, if they have a lot of hair, the big plastic hair looks unwieldy and far too fake (given how realistic the clothing and likeness of the faces tend to be).
Well, I don't want ____-erotic sculptures on my shelf, either. I don't think that makes me insecure. I just don't like it and don't want it.

I have no illusions about what it is I do as a hobby, but just because we collect dolls doesn't mean we have to go all Barbie and My Little Pony about it. If you want to do that, power to you.