Hot Toys- Batman Begins:Batman Demon & Scarecrow spec and pics

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I just nabbed a batdemon sculpt and cape real cheap..QUESTION will the head and cape fit on new hot toys figure?

I believe so, both figures are using the same body and rubber suit.

This is false.

The Batman Demon sculpt will not fit on the new Batman figure, or the old OC figure. As far as I know, it will not fit on any other Hot Toys figure (though I only collect Batman figures, so those are the only ones I can be sure of, except for the generic Truetypes).

The Batman Demon head sculpt has a unique square peg, not the rounded peg of the other figures.

Similarly, the cape will not attach to the OC Batman figure. I don't have the new Exclusive Batman Begins figure, but I suspect the Batman Demon cape will not fit on that one either (no place to plug in the pegs).
Another Dean Knight video , wow its amazing how much a custom velvet cape looks on Demon Bats now . I think i will make one for myself.

I don't know what square peg Haytil is referring to, but here's the demon head on a regular tt body: has the regular neck joint.
As for the cape, since you have it on hand you know that it has hooks instead of pegs. All you have to do is "carefully" push the hooks through the holes in the suit and hook it underneath the arms.

thank's guys for info trying to piece one together as a side project got the belt cape head and hands coming from hong kong far only 35 bucks into it ...just couple QUESTIONs..Does the demon batbelt hold batarangs or does it have 2 differnt belts..dont see any batarangs on belt pictures ...
I just took the head off my Demon Batman to check it. It's not a "square" peg as I said, but the edges are sliced to make it more "triangular" than "circular," unlike previous heads.

However, because the center socket within the neck peg is still round, it actually might fit and plug in fine to any Truetype, including the Batman Begins figure, so I withdraw my earlier statement.

Not sure about the cape though. I don't know how the OC Batman's cape plugs in (since you're not supposed to remove it), nor do I know how the new figure's cape plugs in (since it hasn't arrived for me yet). The Demon Batman had holes in the suit specifically for the cape - these may or may not be the same holes found under the "cape pegs" (which are not supposed to be removed on OC Batman, but I do think are removed for Batman Begins Exclusive Batman). Other people will know more than I will on that subject.

thank's guys for info trying to piece one together as a side project got the belt cape head and hands coming from hong kong far only 35 bucks into it ...just couple QUESTIONs..Does the demon batbelt hold batarangs or does it have 2 differnt belts..dont see any batarangs on belt pictures ...

Demon Batman comes with only one belt. It has no slots for batarangs, grappling hooks, or compartments or capsules, unlike the Batman Begins belt. It looks like the "clean" magnetic second belt of DX02 (no attachments on it), but painted in a darker color.
thank's again for repy back want to piece one back together correctly the batdemon and not miss anything ...or buy fake reproduced that could be out there ..anyways awesome video dean knight you should be working for hot toys or sideshow advertising commercials...
Just got this set and I am very impressed with both. I had no intention of keeping the straight jacket on Scarecrow as he only wore it for like a minute and I really like the suit look, but it is so nicely done I put it back on. Demon Bats also surprised me how much I like it.

Now just waiting on the Bruce Wayne/Batman figure and my little shrine to Begins will be done until hopefully HT release a Ras Al Ghul and Gordon!
Nice, thanks for the tip - i'd have been fiddling with a lighter otherwise :lol

No Problemo buddy
The torch works perfectly , you can just singe the edges and even burn holes if you want :lol , make sure you put either a scrap piece of wood or metal under your work area .

cut the jagged edges out and just torch em up :yess: