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I think you can use superglue on anything. You just just have to give it time to dry.

I didn't take the chance. I went with rubber cement since it's acid free. Honestly with the residue that was in there these knee pads could fall off on anyones at anytime. There's really not much glue holding those suckers on. Be careful, guys!
has anyone received their replacement boot from SS yet & tried to see if it fixes the problem? are the ankles nice & strurdy like they should b? looking at that hole in the boot/foot where that peg should b going in, it just doesnt look deep enough to where the peg can snap in securely and be a snug fit. now im wondering if getting a boot replacement will even resolve this problem at all. could be a design flaw from the start. im just waiting on someone 2 get theirs in & try it on. if it doesnt fix the problem then im getting a full refund... this aint even worth my stress, we paid alot of $ for this to have so many defects. its so sad cause i really really like this figure too!
has anyone received their replacement boot from SS yet & tried to see if it fixes the problem? are the ankles nice & strurdy like they should b? looking at that hole in the boot/foot where that peg should b going in, it just doesnt look deep enough to where the peg can snap in securely and be a snug fit. now im wondering if getting a boot replacement will even resolve this problem at all. could be a design flaw from the start. im just waiting on someone 2 get theirs in & try it on. if it doesnt fix the problem then im getting a full refund... this aint even worth my stress, we paid alot of $ for this to have so many defects. its so sad cause i really really like this figure too!

Shortround got his already and it didn't solve the problem. He says the peg is very lose inside the socket, like an old, worn prostitute. :lol
No, but seriously, he says he contacted sideshow again about this.
Shortround got his already and it didn't solve the problem. He says the peg is very lose inside the socket, like an old, worn prostitute. :lol
No, but seriously, he says he contacted sideshow again about this.

that does it then! off the batty back to his batcave at SS. i think i'll just keep the shadow pred when he comes in next month.
that does it then! off the batty back to his batcave at SS. i think i'll just keep the shadow pred when he comes in next month.

Off topic, but I noticed that your avatar is a picture of Bolo Yeung. He's my favorite bad guy in the old Chinese Kung Fu movies. Too bad he doesn't act anymore. Although he is pretty old now lol.

Anyway, when I get my figure I'll be sure to post my thoughts. My "condolences" to everyone who had a defective figure and had to return.
Off topic, but I noticed that your avatar is a picture of Bolo Yeung. He's my favorite bad guy in the old Chinese Kung Fu movies. Too bad he doesn't act anymore. Although he is pretty old now lol.

Anyway, when I get my figure I'll be sure to post my thoughts. My "condolences" to everyone who had a defective figure and had to return.

i like Bolo in this little flik.....
Ther hole in the foot must not be big/deep enough for the peg to fit snugly- probably different production batch manufacturing problem. Mine was OK. Tough problem to resolve but looks like lots of refunds coming!
okay, this batman figures issue is plain ridiculous now, also disappointed with sideshow to an extent on this one. I received my replacement 'body only' this morning and unsurprisingly same issues were there, dent on the suit leg was still there plus now i got a new set off issues too, im not surprised about ht lack of qc anymore, im more surprised that sideshow passed this one off as an acceptable replacement when i clearly outlined the faults on the first one, wtf?? NOT COOL, anyone else get an unacceptable replacement??
I have to say once I got the head on the DX 02 body I started seeing Bale a lot more, and at certain angles it does look dead on. I showed it to my wife and she said 'wow that looks great', and was like, do you really think so? It's just when I first got it out of the box, I was not sure if it was that good of a Bale sculpt.

Looks way better on the DX02 to me. This body's too beefy and it draws attention to the head being slightly underscale. I'm gonna hope to get a nicely tailored suit one day and go for that loo. I like my Batmen with masks. Glad you came to see it in a better light!

It's not the suit being twisted, it's the kneepad. I wasn't gonna futz to the point of it falling off. I saw it was hardly glued on to begin with. Hope that works out for ya!
okay, this batman figures issue is plain ridiculous now, also disappointed with sideshow to an extent on this one. I received my replacement 'body only' this morning and unsurprisingly same issues were there, dent on the suit leg was still there plus now i got a new set off issues too, im not surprised about ht lack of qc anymore, im more surprised that sideshow passed this one off as an acceptable replacement when i clearly outlined the faults on the first one, wtf?? NOT COOL, anyone else get an unacceptable replacement??

That sucks! :slap Did you contact Sideshow already?
That sucks! Did you contact Sideshow already?

yep, soon as i saw it i took pics and emailed em, i wonder how many they are willing to replace to satisfy the customer, i really hope they give heaps of ____ to ht for the troubles.
okay, this batman figures issue is plain ridiculous now, also disappointed with sideshow to an extent on this one. I received my replacement 'body only' this morning and unsurprisingly same issues were there, dent on the suit leg was still there plus now i got a new set off issues too, im not surprised about ht lack of qc anymore, im more surprised that sideshow passed this one off as an acceptable replacement when i clearly outlined the faults on the first one, wtf?? NOT COOL, anyone else get an unacceptable replacement??

Ok, you are an international customer. I too had issued with my batman (fused figure lefthand wrist peg IN the hand cavity, and right boot has the ankle joint fused to it tight) I have asked for a body replacement. They said I have to destroy original body to recieve a new one, I said what if the new body has a new set of defects probably worse than my original one a la Enterbay. They said each replacement is carefully checked for issues before shipping. In your case thats apparantely not. Can you tell me something

1. What were the exact problems for which they gave you the body only replacement.

2. Did you destroy your riginal body and end them proof? How or what did you do to 'destroy' them

3. Were you charged on the replacement? and what was the value marked on them

Itll be really great if you can answer these queries as I have to talk to Sideshow accordingly to set up my replacement.
yep, soon as i saw it i took pics and emailed em, i wonder how many they are willing to replace to satisfy the customer, i really hope they give heaps of ____ to ht for the troubles.

I see. Hopefully, this time they'll thoroughly check the replacement they'll send to you. :monkey1
Originally Posted by stunna View Post
okay, this batman figures issue is plain ridiculous now, also disappointed with sideshow to an extent on this one. I received my replacement 'body only' this morning and unsurprisingly same issues were there, dent on the suit leg was still there plus now i got a new set off issues too, im not surprised about ht lack of qc anymore, im more surprised that sideshow passed this one off as an acceptable replacement when i clearly outlined the faults on the first one, wtf?? NOT COOL, anyone else get an unacceptable replacement??
Ok, you are an international customer. I too had issued with my batman (fused figure lefthand wrist peg IN the hand cavity, and right boot has the ankle joint fused to it tight) I have asked for a body replacement. They said I have to destroy original body to recieve a new one, I said what if the new body has a new set of defects probably worse than my original one a la Enterbay. They said each replacement is carefully checked for issues before shipping. In your case thats apparantely not. Can you tell me something

1. What were the exact problems for which they gave you the body only replacement.

2. Did you destroy your riginal body and end them proof? How or what did you do to 'destroy' them

3. Were you charged on the replacement? and what was the value marked on them

Itll be really great if you can answer these queries as I have to talk to Sideshow accordingly to set up my replacement.

1. knee pad off centre, dent on suit leg, and bubble on rubber abs.
2. havnt destroyed it yet, i was waiting till i got the replacement then destroy after but now i aint doin ____ till they fix this.
3. no charge as of yet or that i know of, value is $0
1. knee pad off centre, dent on suit leg, and bubble on rubber abs.
2. havnt destroyed it yet, i was waiting till i got the replacement then destroy after but now i aint doin ____ till they fix this.
3. no charge as of yet or that i know of, value is $0

Did you tell them you destroyed the original before they shipped you the body? They told me that IF they ship me a replacement body I will have to destroy and original and ONLY THEN will they send me a replacement body... PM me if you want to.
Just spoke to them on the phone - They will be sending me a boot in 3-4 days. ALSO they said they were running on short quantities. They also specified and stressed that people need to SPECIFY which leg is it and to make sure its the boot and the joint.

I also begged them to make sure it fits and has a hold on the joint. They said that they would test the boot to make sure it fits and has a hold before they ship. (as a fellow member said that his boot did nothing to fix the problem)

Well, I got nothing against SS, but plenty against HT - this is def. not helping their case.

Will keep you guys posted for me info the coming few days.

The best of luck to everyone else....