Hot toys Batman Begins Toyfair exclusive Damage Report!

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I got my replacement figure from sideshow today and guess what!

The left boot wont connect with the peg. I put my finger in it and can feel the backside is chipped. Exactly like the first one I sent them.

Nice to see you guys having a civil debate about this, and I appreciate your understanding Avenger.

@ DiFabio: Earlier you mentioned that is wasn't a good idea to post the email from sideshow about the partial refund. I agree, for the reason you stated. I actually thought about that today at work. However, since the deed is done, Here was my initial contact:
Hello ______,

I realize that you are out of complete Hot Toys Bruce Wayne/Batman figures, but with all the boot replacements, I was hoping you still had some bodies on hand.

I have enclosed pictures of deterioration on my figures pants. It appears that there is a matte finish that is rubbing off, revealing a shinier finish underneath. I should say that I am careful with my figures, and have done nothing unusual with this figure. The only handling has been posing and swapping heads/hands/belts.

Considering the short amount of time that I have had this figure, the condition of the pants is unacceptable to me. If you have bodies on hand, I would very much appreciate a replacement. Oddly, it only seems to be the pants that are affected, so even a new pair of pants would make me happy, although that would require breaking a couple glue seals on the figure. A total body replacement would definitely be preferred.

Again, my order number is: TB______.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

That's a direct copy/paste. The only thing I changed was taking out the rep's name and my order number. What I wanted (and would still prefer) is a replacement body. And I would have been happy with just replacement pants if that were an option. I did not ask for a refund of any kind.

Basically if the figure is not to your liking and has a fault, with no replacements available, send it back. I think we can all agree with this, which was the point of my argument/debate.

As far as it being the "right thing" to do to go for the total refund and send the figure back: it's a mute point for me. If I had the HT Original Costume I'd probably do it. But as it is, this is the only way for me to own a nice Hot Toys version of the Batman Begins suit. Are you suggesting that in the interests of "honor" I should send it back and then pursue one on the secondary market? I'm not doing that. And as Avenger said, it would cost Sideshow more to have to refund the whole thing than it does to refund what they believe is the value of the body. [As a side point: the value of a replacement body is greater than a replacement boot, which would explain why they are refunding a higher amount. Also, there's no way for them to "patch" the shiny spots, so that only leaves a replacement body/value of a replacement body.]

Anyway, offering the partial refund was very good business on their part, and I can't speak highly enough of Sideshow's customer service.

Again, I regret posting the response from Sideshow as I would hate to see people abusing their generosity. When this conversation is done, perhaps we can delete the whole shebang. :)
Ummm...Im new to Hot toys and my waitlist just converted today. I was really excited but noticed all these complaints. Can someone provide a brief summary of the problems expereinced so I know what to look for.

Should I be concerend with a waitlist conversion this late in the game.
Ummm...Im new to Hot toys and my waitlist just converted today. I was really excited but noticed all these complaints. Can someone provide a brief summary of the problems expereinced so I know what to look for.

Should I be concerend with a waitlist conversion this late in the game.
The major thing to look for is broken ankle joints and suit defects. Broken ankle joints is easy to spot, they'll be VERY loose or the boot won't attach at all. There are other reported problems, such as the "sweaty" forehead on the Bruce sculpt and the indent on the abs on the suit, however they're not really major and are barely noticeable.

I wouldn't be concerned. Afterall, if you're not satisfied with the figure you always have the option of returning it...
Got my figure last week it was flawless save for a dent on the right gauntlet et the famous shiny spot on Wayne's foredhead.

Contacted SSC about it, expecting that they would agree on the gauntlet replacement but give me an excuse for the HS (sweat lol).
Still i specified that it was my first order with them and that i have seen several HS with no shiny spot. Send them a full set of pictures showing the problem.
I was ready to ship it back and get a full refund.
But i received a email notifying me that they shipped a Gauntlet and a HS.

BTW is the OC suit thicker than this one?
I'm suprised how's the rubber is thin.
If they are out of boots and bodies they must have some of the rest from the canibalized figures.
Lucky me.
Well my batman started to peel on the butt and somewhere near to the crotch, even it is most of the time in the box. Anyway the peel is only noticeable if you look at the suit closely, and with the light coming from certain angle. I love this figure and will not ask for a refund. Too bad all the quality problem. To me the worst problem is the sweaty forehead.

I got my replacement figure from sideshow today and guess what!

The left boot wont connect with the peg. I put my finger in it and can feel the backside is chipped. Exactly like the first one I sent them.


This is because you should get a replacement lower leg instead of replacement boot. The socket holding the ball ankle joint is fragile/brittle, especially black TT bodies.

Repairing the broken socket is not that hard too... All the extra perfectly fine boots ... when the fault is the ankle socket.
I placed my figure in the detolf and am not going to be touching it. The whole figure might crumble as I re-pose him, lol
This is my first hot toy, im so nervous after reading all the damage reports. I just got my shipping notice today
Just opened Bats and Supes together. Bats had a busted left foot in the package. A piece of the back foot was cracked and the peg won't go into the foot/boot. Sideshow said they are gone and can't replace!!!! Ugggghhhhhh........
Does anyone think Hot Toys will ever offer free replacement boots to people who purchased from Sideshow? I am debating about picking up a left / right boot from eBay since Sideshow is out of them and HT doesn't respond anymore. :/
Does anyone think Hot Toys will ever offer free replacement boots to people who purchased from Sideshow? I am debating about picking up a left / right boot from eBay since Sideshow is out of them and HT doesn't respond anymore. :/

No, unfortunately replacements aren't available from Sideshow anymore.
If anyone is still using the stand I would advise against such action. The rubber around the crotch is weak and can be indented very easily. An example:

See those two dots down there?

And how it started: