Hot toys Batman Begins Toyfair exclusive Damage Report!

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I remember when a pair of Hot Toys Batman boots went for about $15 on ebay. In fact, I recall seeing them for even less when the Demon Batman was getting parted out. I'm talking $5-$10 a pair.

Now it's like all the sellers (mostly Asian) are trying to capitalize on this problem and now they have BINs that go for an upwards of $50-$60. Buyers and bidders don't help either, in fact, I'd say they're worse than the sellers. Their asinine behavior drives the prices up with their stupid little bid wars.


The sad thing is, the people winning those things probably don't even have problems with their boots.
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Well I just shipped my flaking butt dented batman back to SS for a refund, however I still have an unused (brand new) iforgino velvet cape I ordered a couple of weeks ago sitting around. PM me if interested in picking it up.
They offered me only $25 to compensate the broken ankle :monkey2 ... You have to destroy de entire figure if you get a full refund??? that is ridiculous !! :monkey1

There were a few other issues with mine, marks on the suite etc

Sent an email last night. We'll see what happens.

Got a reply:

Dear _____,
Thank you for taking the time to contact our Customer Service Department.

I have asked my shipping team to thoroughly search our warehouse for the availability of a replacement for your Batman Bruce Wayne figure. Unfortunately, we no longer have replacement bodies or full replacements available for this item. Please know that the Returns Department strives to replace damaged items whenever possible and we regret that we are unable to do so in this case.

We would like to extend to you the offer of a $40.00 partial reimbursement to compensate for the flaws to your product. This discount would be applied towards your next pending order or refunded back to your card on file. Alternatively, if you wish to receive a full refund please let me know and I will provide instructions for our refund procedure. Please let us know how you wish to proceed within the next 5 business days or by November 23rd.

As always, please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.

Best regards,

Customer Service Representative

Now it's time to start looking into finding a way to patch the bare spots.

Getting the $40 back makes me feel a little better about having to alter the body by painting the pants or whatever.
I think $40 is a little too generous of Sideshow. I mean, one of the posters above never got a chance to get a replacement boot, and they got $25. If I were them, I'd force the buyers to send them as returns with full reimbursement in mind.

This isn't their fault and I bet they're eating all this in terms of lack of profit. Hot Toys should be the one supplying the much needed replacements, not Sideshow. I bet Sideshow used all their replacements as well as their left overs.

It's too bad everyone doesn't just bombard Hot Toys customer service. They need a serious kick in their ass.
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There is an easy way to fix it, sadly I doubt you would have the items or know any friends, or friends of friends that are into building models...

Air brush and compressor, watered down acrylic. Some flexible ones, Humbrol Acrylic... the last I remember looking, Matt Black 33 was a near enough perfect match for the original suit. It's quite a flexible paint as long as you don't fold it in half.

It would look class if pulled off. It's a really nice smooth paint. Kind of like the Medicom TDK surface feeling.
I think $40 is a little too generous of Sideshow. I mean, one of the posters above never got a chance to get a replacement boot, and they got $25. If I were them, I'd force the buyers to send them as returns with full reimbursement in mind.

This isn't their fault and I bet they're eating all this in terms of lack of profit. Hot Toys should be the one supplying the much needed replacements, not Sideshow. I bet Sideshow used all their replacements as well as their left overs.

It's too bad everyone doesn't just bombard Hot Toys customer service. They need a serious kick in their ass.

Excuse me? Don't tell me $40 is too generous.

If I wanted to buy a new body, it would cost me $160.

New boots are $40

Doing the math, looking at the hard figures, I should have a hell of a lot more than $40 coming.

That said, I agree that it's not Sideshow's mistake. However they chose to partner with Hot Toys on this and sell the product. They bear a measure of responsibility, and mad props to them for doing their best to make things right.
There is an easy way to fix it, sadly I doubt you would have the items or know any friends, or friends of friends that are into building models...

Air brush and compressor, watered down acrylic. Some flexible ones, Humbrol Acrylic... the last I remember looking, Matt Black 33 was a near enough perfect match for the original suit. It's quite a flexible paint as long as you don't fold it in half.

It would look class if pulled off. It's a really nice smooth paint. Kind of like the Medicom TDK surface feeling.

Yeah, I'm hoping I can find someone to do something like that. :exactly:
I personally think you took advantage of their customer service to be honest. They helped you with the boot and you didn't have nearly as many problems as other people. If it really is that big of a deal to you, I'd send it back for a full refund. No loss, you're back with your cash.

You basically got this for $180 now. If you want to bring up secondary market prices, the figure as a whole goes for much, much more.

If mine starts to have this problem from handling (which it hasn't as of yet) then I'll either deal or sell it off myself (if any problems do occur it will be long after Sideshow's 30 day policy). This will inevitably happen to all of us.
I don't know guys, but I am pretty sure (and I hope) that SSC is not losing money on this. I mean they should get "free" spare parts from HT or have discounts on some future releases from HT. Business are business and HT is resposible for the quality on their products.
I don't know guys, but I am pretty sure (and I hope) that SSC is not losing money on this. I mean they should get "free" spare parts from HT or have discounts on some future releases from HT. Business are business and HT is resposible for the quality on their products.

I hope Sideshow aren't having second thoughts taking on Hot Toys DC products because of all these quality control problems. So sad that the DX02 mess hasn't changed Hot Toys one bit.

It's too bad everyone doesn't just bombard Hot Toys customer service. They need a serious kick in their ass.

Facebook spam from so many users at once was the only way responses got acknowledged with the DX02.

I assume you've seen Hot Toys site currently?
After hearing about all of the problems on this figure, it make me very cautious of purchasing another Hot Toys rubber suit figure. I hope that Keaton Batman turns out okay.
I think $40 is a little too generous of Sideshow. I mean, one of the posters above never got a chance to get a replacement boot, and they got $25. If I were them, I'd force the buyers to send them as returns with full reimbursement in mind.

This isn't their fault and I bet they're eating all this in terms of lack of profit. Hot Toys should be the one supplying the much needed replacements, not Sideshow. I bet Sideshow used all their replacements as well as their left overs.

It's too bad everyone doesn't just bombard Hot Toys customer service. They need a serious kick in their ass.

I have no intention of "taking advantage" of Sideshow. And my already getting a boot is absolutely irrelevant. And it remains to be seen if the rubbed off pants will prove to be a wide spread problem. I've only seen it on two other figures so far. And do you think all the that people that got replacement DX02 bodies because of leaky abs didn't deserve them simply because it was a widespread problem?

Oh, and this:

Maglor, There is NO WAY IN HELL that I would stand for that. HT has to be made to understand that if we are expected to pay confiscatory "collectors prices," then we demand a quality product. This is not acceptable. I have figures with cloth, vinyl and plastic parts that are 45 years old and were played with by children that look better than your BB figure that has been in your possession for all of two weeks.

What do you suggest I do?

Call Sideshow and read them the riot act. Quote chapter and verse about how much product you buy from them and how disappointed you are in this particular product that they sold you. A product that they should stand behind. HT will surely get the message if SS ends up sending back substantial numbers of this figure.

If you had bought this from WalMart there would be no problem, so take no sass from this "high-end" collectible retailer.
I have no intention of "taking advantage" of Sideshow. And my already getting a boot is absolutely irrelevant. And it remains to be seen if the rubbed off pants will prove to be a wide spread problem. I've only seen it on two other figures so far.

I know you don't have the intention of taking advantage of Sideshow, you don't seem like the type from what I've seen. Or maybe you are? I don't know.

While I don't have any scientific methods to back up my claims, I am positive that every single Batman figure Sideshow sent out has a coat of black paint on the rubber suit. The reason it doesn't appear to be as widespread or discussed is because, A, many collectors may not be as scrutinizing as you and I and B, they might not have this issue yet as the handling of the figure may be at a bare minimum.

There are other factors that come into play as well. Not every collector is part of a community where they can express issues and not everyone that has this in their possession has opened it.

Being an owner of the Original Costume TDK Batman and Demon Batman, I can tell you that the exposed finish that you're seeing underneath is simply the original rubber costume. Why Hot Toys decided to paint it is beyond me. Now, I could scratch away at my suit to test this observation but I'm positive that it will occur regardless based on my handling of it. Honestly, I've seen your photos and while the close up shots show the damage, the ones you took of the full figure, with problems looks fine. Yes, there are shines but I would imagine it's not as bad as those close ups make them out to be. However as we all know, opinions vary. What you might consider a problem, might not be a big deal to someone else.

Now, if this is an issue to you and you consider it a flaw on DX02 levels then, like TheBatmanProfessor I encourage you to send it back for full reimbursement. I wasn't happy with my boot, nor my damaged True Type body and if the replacements weren't available, then I'd do the same.

And do you think all the that people that got replacement DX02 bodies because of leaky abs didn't deserve them simply because it was a widespread problem?

Absolutely not. Not only would I be a hypocrite with that line of thinking (I received a replacement for my broken boot which seems to be a pretty widespread problem), that just wouldn't be right. Hot Toys is in the wrong here, not the customer. Never settle.

My observation is that, people not getting the replacement feel they should be able to keep the figure as well as a "little something extra". No. If you're not happy with the product, you send it back and get full reimbursement. Not this partial policy. Send them a message that their product is crap and that you don't want it. Not, "oh, okay, I have this money, I guess I'll fix the problem myself". No, don't settle. If you settle, I don't see why anyone would expect a replacement in the first place. You aren't happy, don't keep it.

I'm all for replacements, they can and SHOULD be available for everyone by Hot Toys. Let that be known. However I feel you're either content with your purchase or you're not. If replacements are no longer available you either, for lack of a better term, "put up or shut up and send it back".

While it might not be anyone's intent, disclosing your personal information (i.e. what Sideshow sent you via email, what they're going to do, how much they're going to reimburse you, the representative you spoke to etc) will no doubt inspire foul play, specifically from those who don't have problems, or don't care that they have these peels or rubs of excess paint. People should keep their exchanges that they have with Sideshow to themselves.

People will take advantage of this at Sideshow's expense.

I also would imagine those with multiple occurring issues will feel a sense of stigma with Sideshow, basically have that feeling of "man, they must be thinking, THIS GUY AGAIN?". If this is the case, why not send it back for a refund?
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I'm not seeing the reason for this debate over SSC's policies on customer service. Maglor didn't request a partial refund, SSC offered it. And, I've worked customer service, so I know they have a formula for how they handle it. I'm not going to rag on Mag's over him accepting their offer, which is based on their policies. Is he supposed to refuse it and tell them "it wouldn't be right of me to take the partial refund for my damaged figure"?

You gotta realize DiFabio, they don't offer these options out of the kindness of their heart. SSC knows they pick up return shipping costs as part of their guarantee, which have to be handled upon arrival and dealt with in returns. From there, they have the overhead of working with Hot Toys on the return. They know it costs X to process a return, and base their partial refund on whatever set price they deem less than the cost dealing with the return.

This isn't charity work where the $40 bucks means less meals for starving children. It's business. And, Mag's return would likely set them back more than the $40 he's getting. If not quite, making him happy and buying more stuff, has plenty of value too. Point being, they make their offers based on what is least costly for them, while making Mags happy. There ain't no taking advantage of anyone going on here.

And, for those angsting over HT not getting their share, you can bet your brisket SSC has made them quite aware of the problems and costs, and HT will be cutting a check at some point.
This isn't charity work where the $40 bucks means less meals for starving children. It's business. And, Mag's return would likely set them back more than the $40 he's getting. If not quite, making him happy and buying more stuff, has plenty of value too. Point being, they make their offers based on what is least costly for them, while making Mags happy. There ain't no taking advantage of anyone going on here.

And, for those angsting over HT not getting their share, you can bet your brisket SSC has made them quite aware of the problems and costs, and HT will be cutting a check at some point.

Okay, taking the above into account, shouldn't we return our figures if they have faults or defects and not accept any partial reimbursement? There is no cost to the buyer and you get the message across by making them eat costs.

I guess you could say that my argument isn't about policies but about NOT accepting any partial reimbursements. How do they value the parts? The boot damage is $25 but unnecessary paint flaking is $40? Do you see what I'm getting at here? This isn't about Sideshow or Hot Toys, it's about the customer. To some, the figure's foot being disconnected may be a bigger issue than the black paint peeling off the butt.

The "generosity" aspect in this discussion is purely speculative on my part. If any damage occurs there should be a set price in partial reimbursement, something clearly stated.
Okay, taking the above into account, shouldn't we return our figures if they have faults or defects and not accept any partial reimbursement? There is no cost to the buyer and you get the message across by making them eat costs.

I guess you could say that my argument isn't about policies but about NOT accepting any partial reimbursements. How do they value the parts? The boot damage is $25 but unnecessary paint flaking is $40? Do you see what I'm getting at here? This isn't about Sideshow or Hot Toys, it's about the customer. To some, the figure's foot being disconnected may be a bigger issue than the black paint peeling off the butt.

The "generosity" aspect in this discussion is purely speculative on my part. If any damage occurs there should be a set price in partial reimbursement, something clearly stated.

I'm probably one of those inclined to agree that if there is significant issues that you can't just easily swap out a part, or if the parts are gone, you should return it. Man, at this price point, the consumer has to be at least a little (if not a lot) picky about material quality. You clearly want more than 2 weeks from a figure. But, I guess that comes down to the individual.

If my figures butt starts peeling in the near term, I'll be contacting both SSC and Hot Toys about it; if soon enough it'll be for a refund. But thankfully, mine is looking alright still, in its detolf.
Exactly Avenger.

Okay. I contact Sideshow about my problems (boots, dents, whatever) with the figure and they help by send me replacements parts.

All is well.

I'm noticing that the finish on my suit isn't what it used to be more and more each day I handle it. The finish is looking a lot like the original figures from a few years ago. I now see that Sideshow doesn't have any more replacements.

What should I do? If I contact them, I'm clearly not happy, as I know they don't have any more replacements to offer. If I settle, well that sends the message that I'm content with my purchase.

So ultimately, which is it? Are you content or are you unhappy? If you’re unhappy, you shouldn’t keep it and should take advantage of the full refund. No partial offer. Why? Well because you pursued a replacement that they don’t have in the first place. If you’re content then it shouldn’t even be brought up.

Basically if the figure is not to your liking and has a fault, with no replacements available, send it back. I think we can all agree with this, which was the point of my argument/debate.