Super Freak
reeve superman head wins hands down!
oops! wrong thread..
my bad! lalala
oops! wrong thread..
my bad! lalala
How is the headsculpt paint app better on the OC release? If there is one thing in which the Toy Fair version suprasses the OC, it must be the paint app. The OC has the good-old plastic finish, while the TF benefits from the Hot Toys modern flesh painting techniques. And it makes a big diffrence in my opinnion. The additional angry expression is fantastic, but even the generic one on the TF version looks better to me thant he OC, on every pic that I saw on this thread. The very expression seems to look better, with the new paint app, and somehow makes his head look slightly less toyish to me.
everyone is defending their own version!(those that have the oc and nt the new bb, though some do have vs those that have the new bb but nt the oc, again some might have)
and how right the critiques are!
i myself have the new version and its awesome, i nv had the old one but i have seen it in person and the suit does look awesome too!
the new version's is def dull but i like the bulky nature of it, though bit too bulky while the old version was nt bulky enuff, nv can win eh
paint wise, i def think the new one wins hands down even the cowl's sculpt, with the mouth pieces much much nicer n less toylike,
the eyes wise its hard to say though, both are similar.
either way though both versions have crappy capes, can ht ever get it right? doubt it...
whichever version you have, just enjoy it!! both are awesome, though the oc is def better in terms of durability with less qc problems but for realism, i'd say the bb is better!
The neutral mouthpiece is very bland compared to the original but the angry mouthpiece is very detailed.Well I have both so I'm pretty impartial. The expressions give you more display options yes, more fleshy, yes. But.
The paint job and skin detail on the OC Bats is more sophisticated than the mouth pieces on the EX set. You really need to see both
together to compare. So there.
i guess if i had gotten the oc long ago i wldnt have gotten the new bb due to having smth similar but if i cld choose one, i'd say the new bb cos of the new bruce head sculpt n bulky body n mouth options but tt's just me. also if the new bb didnt have so many problems it wld have been the winner for sure.
The neutral mouthpiece is very bland compared to the original but the angry mouthpiece is very detailed.
Wanted to get this but worried bout all the defects! I'll wait for TDKR figs!
I apologize in advance if this question has already been answered (and answered, and answered, and answered) but HOLY #(! what are you using to keep the rubber suits looking so great?
I've contemplated using some automotive products, tire black and rubber cleaners, etc. But I'm scared those might be too strong and could potentially eat away at the rubber. I used to do a lot of detailing on the side, for extra cash and because I just enjoyed doing it. Been a few years since I was able to though....
I think some pictures looks so cool and others so bad, only because the light environment