is there anywhere to get a new batsuit for this figure? Mines collar is all f-ed up and he has the dent in his abdomen.

is there anywhere to get a new batsuit for this figure? Mines collar is all f-ed up and he has the dent in his abdomen.
is there anywhere to get a new batsuit for this figure? Mines collar is all f-ed up and he has the dent in his abdomen.
i went on ebay and just bought another body. lucky for me the one i got off ebay didnt have the dented abs or a broken boot. i paid $150 for it :/
If you're not too keen on the Toy fair Ex. suit, Ven has the original costume for a nice price. Dunno if he still has it.
yeah thats what I was afraid of
is it pretty easy to take off and put another on?
does the cape work the same way on the original suit?
A question here:
Are the OC hands exactly the same as Toy Fair Exclusive ones? Can they be used interchangeably?
Anybody? Is there a color or some other conspicuous difference?
Is there any big problems with this figure other than the broken ankle? I found a place selling it for less than 400 usd and was wondering if it's worth it.
Is there any big problems with this figure other than the broken ankle? I found a place selling it for less than 400 usd and was wondering if it's worth it.
I just did the ankle replacement mod. Holy crap, it was hard to do and I gave myself a blood blister but I pulled if off.
Sculpt definitely looks best with some shadow going on. Suit still has a nice sheen to it.
Think I may need to get some individual shelf lights... hard to light each figure well with only 1 source.