Super Freak
Also, never ever use the "digital zoom" function that's on most cell phones and point 'n shoot cameras. That just enlarges the image and makes it look much much worse. If you have the option, always use the "Optical Zoom." That's a "real" zoom. Do your cropping after you've got the image on your computer. Most cameras nowadays can do that kind of simple editing on the device but I find it clumsy and frustrating.
Hmmm.... Although I have heard about these terms, but never cared or rather understood what exactly they meant. Guess I'll study a bit more. Thanks for pointing that out.
The neck is just too long or too thin for the Batman OC 2011....
Looks great except the neck being a bit too long
MUCH better pic, but neck's definetly way too long.
Thanks a lot for the feedback guys. It does look (or is?) pretty long. The unpainted one looks like this:

Guess I need to 'pull up' the suit a bit on the body or maybe chisel the neck from the bottom. Then it might look better. Do you have a pic with Adams's head on OC? About the 'thinness', I guess it could be the angle.

You found Takara gauntlets?
I did!

Another thing I wish I could do was 'flattening out the beer belly mod'. The way Tony has done it, gives him a completely different look:

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