Pic is too grainy to see what exactly the damage is.
Pic is too grainy to see what exactly the damage is.
Found a relatively elegant solution to the size of the DX12 belt:
I just removed the pointless grapple gun clip, widened the holes on the remaining part and clipped it together.
Fits just right now.
Never understood how people could receive a figure and not open it up that very second.
The great MISB con. I won't buy an older figure MISB. I'd actually pay more for an item listed as 'opened for inspection then put back in the box', or 'displayed behind glass since new'. In the long run I don't think there'd be too many people who care too much between MIB and MISB. Comics are one thing, but you want to get any QC stuff sorted out pronto.
I'm thinking about selling my second one of these. What's a good price to sell at?
Can someone please compare, whether the DX12 or the Batsuit Begins Bruce Wayne head has a bigger neck diameter?
I'm just wondering if the DX12 will fit better on a suit I'm about to use.
The DX12 head is probably the bigger one, right?
But still I hope the neck might be thinner.
Thanks in advance!
That looks like a great mod!
What tools did you use?