guys , i need to know something urgently!. im from India and had ordered this one and shadow predator together on PPO.
initially sideshow had refused to accept a credit card from India,but after some request they finally accepted it, my first order was a Flex pay hot toys classic predator exclusive,,second were the 2 toy fair exclusives,,,
now since sideshow date for charging all 3 happened to be 10.11. 11,
yesterday night my net connection had some problems and i went to sleep thinking there would be no problems..
but after getting up this morning , the first thing i noticed in my mail is the hot toys Bruce Wayne order cancelled ,! had no notification from them before of any problem and also i had contacted on 3rd to see if there was any problems with my CC and was given all clear, i had 100% funds left on my CC too, i dont think it was a CC prob cos like i told u my flex pay for classic pred was charged 75$ yesterday ..
i logged into my sideshow account and saw that order was indeed cancelled.. but when i opened the shadow predator order, both bruce wayne and shadow predator were placed in this order together,
but my CC has not been charged yet only 75$ for flex pay classic pred has been charged yet, and i hav receieved no mail about shadow predator status too,, IM guessing they have clubbed both orders as one and cancelled the standalone Bruce Wayne order, ,
does anyone have similar experience like these , please clarify, cos it will really be disappointing if they cancel my order at this point of time, for 2 months i had left funds unspend , passing on several other items and passing on good deals on ebay to get this,, please help out, send a mail to sideshow and tried calling but cant place an international call from my mobile