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Youll grow into it soon enough.

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Maybe. I guess it depends on the movie. I've never liked the X-men costumes and those have never grown on me. The only other super hero movie costume I have issue with is the neck on the BvS Batman and I still don't like it.
So will one have to buy those dynamic pose stands to get him those jumping like looks or do you guys think it can be achieved with the stand it comes with? Need to know if I should looking for one on ebay now lol.

Clip gives the best reviews btw. Was a shartimus guy before randomly clicking on one of Clips.
dang obviously the in hand reviews was a tipping point for ALOT of people, both regular and exclusive versions are waitlist for this guy...:gah: Well I'm on the waitlist, cross my fingers and hope it converts I had this feeling that I should have jumped on it when the announced the updated muscular body
Thanks Clipper! Wow he said he's keeping it ..that proves that this is a piece to own :clap

I guess it's all in the lighting..you can see that he does have a decent amount of facial hair :yess:
Jeez Tony Mei is going to make bank selling custom capes for this Bats. When everybody starts getting theirs :lecture
So there are four versions of this

reg no extras

Reg just sniper rifle

Reg just Tech Cowl

Reg tech Cowl and Sniper rifle

Wow didn't know that..did SSC offer all four versions :dunno