Super Freak
Agreed, I am willing to give Affleck a chance....but I like my Batman dark and brooding, not wise cracking.....we do not need another wise ass superhero. one Tony stark os enough.
I think the suit looks very good, very Miller esque....the neck is Way to thick, bad design....he looks like he's wearing a cervical collar.
Honestly, I'm sick of dark and brooding Batman. I'm tired of him being an emotionally crippled 8-year old in a 40 year old's body. I want the '70s Batman and the TAS Batman. The guy who was able to cope and wasn't always pissed off about mom and dad. He did what he did so other kids wouldn't go through the same thing, and he wasn't a ****ing psycho, like Miller's Bats has sort of evolved over the years. It's pretty much the same interpretation as The Animated Series Batman. Though, in TNBA, Beyond and JL/JLU, he got progressively darker (while still having a good heart), he was sort of a swashbuckling hero with his deadpan sense of humor.
"On Leather Wings," for instance; one of the opening exchanges between he and Alfred:
Batman: [reads] Gotham Police declare war on Batman.
Alfred Pennyworth: I gather you've been reading, "How to Make Friends and Influence People".
Batman: Somebody's setting me up.
Alfred Pennyworth: My heavens! You mean it wasn't you tossing guards out of windows last night?
Batman: I only toss butlers, Alfred.
That is, in many eyes, the definitive version of Batman in any media, and even he isn't all "Daaaaaarkness, no parrrrrents; super-rich, kinda makes it better."