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Yeah, but it's not just the cape. The entire cowl-cape ensemble is poorly designed and made.

I can see why the texture of the cape can turn some off (even though HT has come a long way when it comes to capes) but the cowl is spectacular.
Tell us what more you would have done with the cowl.
The thing with the cape it has to be able to cloak bats and drape down and cover him in disguise with the darkness of the night. We just need it to drape over the shoulders cover him.

The thing with the cape it has to be able to cloak bats and drape down and cover him in disguise with the darkness of the night. We just need it to drape over the shoulders cover him.

The custom Unreal toys cape can achieve your concept, but the Batfleck cape was never meant to drape completely over his shoulders :lecture

The thing with the cape it has to be able to cloak bats and drape down and cover him in disguise with the darkness of the night. We just need it to drape over the shoulders cover him.

That's not what they went with in BVS which is what we're talking about here.
You can make a custom cape that will drape around him.
One way or the other the cowl is great.
That's not what they went with in BVS which is what we're talking about here.
You can make a custom cape that will drape around him.
One way or the other the cowl is great.

I would make the cowl two pieces, that way you can tilt or pivot head without the whole cowl turning and spiked out

It would look so much better if the flap could stay in place and the head can pivot

I wish they made the cowl do this instead

Although this cowl design is the most articulate compared to the past HT bat figures..it's far from perfect

However I think HT will perfect the cowl design by the JLA film and hopefully by the next solo Batfleck film :lecture
Really sucks to be HT. Hard to please everyone when you have too many camps to try to please: Accuracy camp, Aesthetic camp, Articulation camp.
all I know is I'm grateful HT exist when figs like this come out.

I know I could never make anything like this and I couldn't get anything like this from any customizer even for $1000++
Really sucks to be HT. Hard to please everyone when you have too many camps to try to please: Accuracy camp, Aesthetic camp, Articulation camp.

IKR, but I think it's fair, it's not like HT isn't getting anything in return. I'd say at $200-$300 a figure, I think we have every right to nitpick :lecture
IKR, but I think it's fair, it's not like HT isn't getting anything in return. I'd say at $200-$300 a figure, I think we have every right to nitpick :lecture

I get that. But one's nitpick could be perfection to another -- case in point the articulated 2-piece vs screen accurate one-piece cowl. That's my point.
It's not too difficult to include a extra cape. Hot toys love's movie accuracy as do the fan's and understand it. I Also know when movie gets rebooted so does the costume's with tweaks and reason i have not bought one yet. I like to wait n choose and pick up after the rage dies down or best one i like to buy. I have 6 or 7 bats and just waiting to choose. The custom cape look's perfect and easily could have been included.
This would be a perfect release if a 2nd cape option was included.:lecture So much more presence and depth.

If anything, I guess HT can follow ASMUS' platform and release 2 versions of each figure: Lite and Packed. Lite for the basic Figure, stand, a few hands, 1-2 accessories. Packed for Extra head, clothing/cape, more hands, more accessories, maybe a fancy base. That way people can have options, and let their wallets do the talking.
It's not too difficult to include a extra cape. Hot toys love's movie accuracy as do the fan's and understand it. I Also know when movie gets rebooted so does the costume's with tweaks and reason i have not bought one yet. I like to wait n choose and pick up after the rage dies down or best one i like to buy. I have 6 or 7 bats and just waiting to choose. The custom cape look's perfect and easily could have been included.

That's why I know HT will get it right

The best example is the evolution of the Captain America HT. TFA (The First Avenger) was a train wreck version and you look at the CW version now, I'd say it's near perfect

HT do listen to the collectors, I think they have tackled too many different franchises with all the SW, Marvel, DC etc as well as all the nostalgic lines like BTTF, TMNT, etc.

They lost QC over the product IMO
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This would be a perfect release if a 2nd cape option was included.:lecture So much more presence.

No it wouldn't.
As you mentioned before this is about movie accuracy, you are now interjecting your personal taste for a comic book inspired cape.
Why should HT do this?
Just buy the custom cape if you like it.
You also seem to ignore the fact that this custom cape looks so thick and heavy that Batman can barely lift it.
The reason not worried about missing out we have long way's to go to Justice League and a 2nd batman movie or whatever spin offs still to come. Hot toys loves bats n jokers and as you say slowly evolution of best release from movie design to hot toy's final release. How many Avengers , wolverines do you want in the collection ? I think owning them all kinda cheapens the display imo. Its all in choice of what we want.
No it wouldn't.
As you mentioned before this is about movie accuracy, you are now interjecting your personal taste for a comic book inspired cape.
Why should HT do this?
Just buy the custom cape if you like it.
You also seem to ignore the fact that this custom cape looks so thick and heavy that Batman can barely lift it.

I am putting my own taste and idea's YES. I just think at price we pay ,I dont think its too big of a request to include a extra cape as well as dynamic stand with each release for all Hi flying hero's. I know no figure will ever be perfect and always get tweaked modded. As for cape being too heavy never underestimate bats strength and tech.
I can see why the texture of the cape can turn some off (even though HT has come a long way when it comes to capes) but the cowl is spectacular.
Tell us what more you would have done with the cowl.

Agreed on the cowl and I happen to like the cape as well. You can get the cape/cowl thing to look a lot better with a couple simple tricks using some Super Glue Gel. On both these figures I've done 3 of the Tony futzes: Pants pushed up to the crotch, glue sleeves to wrists (keeps the suit on the arms tight) and lower the shirt & logo/glue it down (lets you push the head forward & down without covering the logo). Both figures get red arrow step 1: lift up the cape at the shoulders and locate the tip/edge of the cowl. Do a quick spot check & lay the cape the way you want it. Now lift the cape up and put a drop or two of SGG on the tip/edge of the cowl and glue the cape down on the cowl. Repeat on the other side ( duh :D ). Now you get a much better drape with reduced gap as seen on the figure on the left. But if you're really sick in the head and want the uber drape, do the green arrow step 2 as seen on the right: lift up the cape, put a drop of SGG on the inside of the cape near the back of the shoulder, pull it taut and fasten it to the suit. Now you get a much weightier drape effect. Obviously it requires a level of commitment to the pose since you've glued the cape to the suit, you won't be pulling the head off to change the eyes anytime soon. You can still change the mouthpieces.

bvs demo 1.jpg

In terms of keeping the cape under control, here's what I did. Take off the cape/cowl and lay it face up on a flat surface and smooth out the pleats nice and flat. Start on one side and locate the first three pleats and get them flat and well defined. Now, starting about an inch below the shoulder wire, lift up that second pleat, put of drop of SGG on the backside and glue it down. Do the same to the third pleat. Now move down about 4 inches or so and repeat twice, leaving about 4 inches or so from the bottom unglued. I find this keeps the cape more under control, you still get an easier and good looking drape, and still have plenty of spread from the middle of the cape. Plus, neither of the above capes were cut, burned or suffered any other injuries otherwise. :D Hope this helps!