I don't have him in that pose anymore, but I have a few pics of other angles. I'm not good at explaining, I tried to pose him in a S curve as best as the figure can do it. I have the legs and knees a little wider than shoulder width apart. The ankle joints are pretty sturdy, so it can hold the pose without tipping. The waist/torso is slighty twisted and leaning left. The shoulders are pushed back. I used the eyes that have him looking left, I have the head leaning forward/down, slightly turned left and tilted right. Then I futzed with the cape and belt, and then finally, most poses only look good if it is photoed at the right angle.
I sometimes try to do the pose myself to fine detail it, like hand, arm positions, etc. Of course, a lot of HT figures are limited by their costumes, and choice of hands, lol, so have to work with what you got. I would be careful, I learned my lesson after tearing the suit of my MOS Supes putting him in some extreme poses. Just go slowly and be gentle, especially when trying to move/turn joints under the suit. Thanks for liking the pose, trust me, you don't know how much time I waste trying to pose my figures. It takes a lot of futzing to get a pose the way you want it.