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The one thing that I personally thought would have been a nice little addition in the famous "Martha" scene, was when after Superman said "Martha" and Batman had his flashback of the murder of his parents, it should have showed the face of the gunman after the gunman shot his mother, after showing the bullet casing discharge, but instead of it being the face of the actual gunman, it be Bruce's face. Thus, further illustrating to the audience that he was realizing he was becoming the same man that murdered his parents in cold blood in that dark alley. Would have also been an extremely poignant scene in my opinion, especially with the score that was playing in the background.

Yes, the way the "Martha" scene played out could've been done better in so many ways and is still among the hardest scenes to defend but, despite being a lifelong comic book fan, I honestly never put much thought in the idea that Superman and Batman's mother are both named Martha until seeing BvS for the first time. I see what the filmmakers were suggesting thematically by pointing out this coincidence, but it would've been more effective if Lois Lane had simply thrown herself in between the two characters as they battled, giving her the chance to save Superman's life for a change.
北京国安;9139265 said:

Just made a blue cape for client

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I'm very very very very tempted to repaint my other Batman w this color scheme.
I thought of doing the darker blue colors which I thought would be more practical for a movie,
but I thought it would also just be balls to the walls different with the Affleck batman to see it in its glorious comic book colors scheme.

I would have thought it could have looked more dark blue and leaving the belt as it was and making the suit lighter but also keeping in the dark tones to it. Something like this. But this is some one else figure so this was there option which is fine. But I have been thinking about doing this to my batman only thing is I would need a dark blue leather cape. View attachment 327570

This is the other color I would do if I decide to repaint my other batman also.
Still debating. May or may not do it.
The plan was to repaint one, and keep the other one stock.
But if I get wild hair up my ass, I may have to just have both repainted. :rolleyes2
That looks amazing :clap :clap:clap. Hot Toys should have made this as a variant as opposed to Imposter Joker.

Exactly! Much like the black chrome armored variant...they should have done a variant comic book color scheme.
I dont know what the hell Hot Toys was smoking doing that Joker imposter crap.
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Yeah that's true. But we can all wait and hope The Batman suit will be a dark blue with grey so we can get that style . It would be cool to see it as a new batsuit with a different logo just to show he has upgrade his suit. I like the idea of how the rebirth batsuit looks. Something like that.
Thinking of getting one too but Hot Toys might release their own so.
Looks like the total price is $80 on those bat signals. Was there an introductory price?