Any Marvel movie gets a collective hard on despite Age of Ultron being trash.
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that's just my opinion. I know its closer to the comics, and in todays world where the movies tend to be try to literally emulate the comics, I guess you can get away with it. 20 years ago, a suit like this would not have worked. theres a reason why burton and co went with the all black rubber suit. its more how I would imagine batman to be dressing in reality. this movie however is obviously not going for that. its a bit more OTT in its deptiction, but I cant imagine a random thug being totally scared of a guy wheres a mesh grey pajamas. all black is the way to go IMO, but that's just me. still excited to see the movie, but this is probably the weirdest batsuit ive seen. no neck, mouse ears, no underwear, jeez louise! supes and bats have no balance to there suits, its weird not to have the underwear. it is nice that they still have the rubber cowl, and that batman is back to having a black rubber cape. it just looks sooo much better then the big blanket bale wore.
that said, the batmobile is a huge improvement over the tumbler crap, but I still miss the sleek all black roadster from the original movies.
I disagree, I hated the 89 Batsuit back when it came out, I would have loved something like this.
I also think that Batfleck is a lot scarier than Burton's Batman ever was.
This; I can't stand how cheap and 2-dimensional Marvel movies are. One of the main complaints about MoS and BvS is thoughtless collateral damage, yet the exact same sort of damage happens to New York in Avengers 1.
Yeah, I've always thought Keaton looked like a goofball in the suit, not to mention I generally dislike Tim Burton. Affleck looks powerful and intimidating in the suit. My opinion isn't some cliche "bash the old, praise the new" thing either. I wasn't a Batman fan growing up, so I never had the nostalgic memories for the Keaton films like most fans seem to.I disagree, I hated the 89 Batsuit back when it came out, I would have loved something like this.
I also think that Batfleck is a lot scarier than Burton's Batman ever was.
Have you seen the trailer to Civil War? They're addressing that issue. It's what gets the whole conflict rolling...
The difference here is that Man of Steel's Superman would rather hang out with Lois a bit, making sure he gets some action while people are dying all around him. He's not Iron Man. He's the most powerful man on the planet, and his values set his apart from other heroes. But in Man of Steel, he has no interest in saving the people all around him, and is caught up in his own fight. He's better handled in BvS.
I see....
And now with your most recent posts...apparently you were so confident they were working on it all along....
I was waiting to see the film before I decided to pull the trigger on both of them... my only regret was not doing it sooner. This movie did a great job at fan service. Although I understand why the general public may feel wtf.
Missed out on getting the exclusive extras.
Yeah, I've always thought Keaton looked like a goofball in the suit, not to mention I generally dislike Tim Burton. Affleck looks powerful and intimidating in the suit. My opinion isn't some cliche "bash the old, praise the new" thing either. I wasn't a Batman fan growing up, so I never had the nostalgic memories for the Keaton films like most fans seem to.
Waiting in the theater right now to see it, only a few minutes left.
You guys do know that what you guys are basically saying is - Hollywood made something better 20 years later.
Personally, I like Ben Afflect as Batman. Finally a proper modern update for Batman on screen. None of the flaws Christian Bale had.
However, physical appearance and the fight scenes aside, Ben Affleck didn't surpass Michael Keaton as Batman as the script lacked depth for Batman so there were gaps in Ben Affleck's performance. His motivation doesn't make sense and end up making him look rather dumb sometimes.
Affleck was great, but most of that "huge Batman" factor is mostly a puffy suit and lots and lots of CGI.