Going to try the leg swap mod first. How did you do it? I am also tempted to get the Jaxxon cape.
First be carefull when yu remove the BVS suit, tha cape is inside the chest and is blocked by a clip inside.
Remove as much as yu can of the suit from the body and once yur blocked because of the cape either yu cut it inside if yu can reach it by going trough the shoulder or just cut it from where it Comes out of the body.
Since i ws planning to get a custom cape i didnt care about the hot toys cape.
But if yu cut it well yu Will have no problem to put it back in, just like tony installes his suits (well hot toys copied his technique lol).
Its up to yu.
If yu decided to continue here is what for yu for next.
Remove the rubber muscular add ons from BVS thighs (you Will glue them back on MOS thighs later)
Yu have to remove the rubber around the pelvis, it detaches from under, its glued together and i think also to the pelvis.
Warm it up it Will help. Once its open, warm it up again so yu can move it up on the abs ( its not necessary to remove it completely ) to have access to the screws of the pelvis. Remove the two screws. And remove the pelvis back part.
Here there is two options, either yu can remove the legs from the pelvis without difficulties from the BVS body and yu just swap the legs and not the full pelvis and legs (on my BVS body some glue seems to block me from just swapping the legs only).
If yu cant just for that just swap the whole pelvis and legs from MOS to BVS.
Of course keep each pelvis rubber cover to their respective body (BVS is silver MOS is not).
Dont forget to put back BVS knee joints and ankles (to keep the silver thing going on) and also to glue back the muscular BVS thighs on MOS thighs.
Keep yur hairdryer next to yu, its helpfull for removing the rubber parts (also when yu Will resuit yur BVS warm it everywhere with the hairdryer it Will help it being tighter and fit the body better.
Oh yeah final touch not really needed but hey might as well do it right.
The BVS thighs add ons dont cover the back of MOS thighs nor the big ball like articulations that connect the legs to the pelvis, so yu can paint them silver to keep everything coherent.
Final final touch , i m using long feet pegs on my BVS.
It gives better proportions and reduces the folds of the boots ankles.
And is closer to MOS height
If yu have any question pm me

Take yur time and when in doubt take a pause dont rush in
I talked to jaxxon, and i find his cape very cool but still not sure.
He refining it, i might try tho sinçe its the only wired cape available and with Pleats.
Could be decent and probably 3 times cheaper than Tonys
Only thing I'm repainting is the chest emblem. Already got the base coat on to take out the black outlines now I wait til cape gets here to make sure final coat matches. That with the heat vision sculpt and TM spear....one rocking a** figure
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Cant wait to see how the chest repaint Will look.
And the rest too