You could always just pick up another MoS sculpt to put on the BvS figure and sell the MoS figure, if you prefer the BvS suit and the MoS sculpt.
It's an idea, maybe I'll like the figure better with a MOS head on.
You could always just pick up another MoS sculpt to put on the BvS figure and sell the MoS figure, if you prefer the BvS suit and the MoS sculpt.
I wonder if the price of this is going to sink like a rock like the Man of Steel version did. I'm a bit tempted but feel like I should hold off for a while.
Whoa...goofy looking is a bit harsh no? What's so bad about it?
Considering how it's apparently free shipping for it now...I feel it's gonna be discounted within a few months. Hard to say though. Then again, When batman hits, there's a chance superman will sell out due to collectors wanting the set.
Yeah, maybe it's a bit harsh but I don't know how else to describe it.
I've reached that unpleasant point where all I can see when I look at him are the things I dislike.
Christopher Reeve's Superman figure and then the MOS one were instant classics for me, not this one.
I can always sell him down the line if he doesn't grow on me.
I believe that the price will curtail in the future and you'll be able to snare this figure at a deal, but as far as the free shipping goes, I think that may have just been a today only thing. I received an email from SSC advertising they were offering free shipping today on various items. Perhaps BvS Supes was one of them.
Would love to see yur faora![]()
Question since I don't have an extra pair of long ankle bvs supes the same height as MOS if u change his pegs to long ones?
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I figured that....wish I could find like an in between length...MoS is a tad tall and bvs needs a lil boost hahaFrom what I've heard and from pictures I've seen, yes. Or vice versa (putting shorter pegs in MoS Supes).
Either you like BVS head sculpt or MOS.....this one matches how he looks more in the movie and IMHO has more details vs MOS which is more soft looking. I never did like MOS body due to the super tall slender and somewhat out of proportion body used by HT. Also, MOS has a more neutral expression vs BVS more menacing look to it. Don't forget he's aged a few years vs MOS.The more I look at my figure the more I hate the head sculpt, it's just goofy.
This really dampens my appreciation for this figure, despite the better costume I find the MOS figure to be the better one.
I blame myself, I disliked the prototype as well as the first in hand pictures and still bought him.
By contrast I already know I'll love the upcoming Batmen, I've liked everything I've seen so far.
Superman is gonna stay in his box in case I decide to sell him at some point.
Here are some pics. I'm not the best photographer. This is originally the kit made by Scalleta Studios with some tweaks and assembled by me
I feel you. it's the same way for me with The Wolverine figure (not the DofP ver). That thing hurt. I always collect two of every figure, and I had my friend, a toy shop owner, order two for me. And when the final product came out, I was MAD. I wanted to cancel them but my friend had already ordered them for me. I gave one of them away to a cousin and kept one for myself...but I don't even know what to do with it because it's such a colossal let down.
It's a shame you don't like this superman that much. I think it's a great figure. It stops short of awesome due to lack of a second HS, but what we have now is pretty damn good IMO.
Honestly, if this figure doesn't do all that well, HT have no one else to blame but themselves. Superman as an action figure is limited by his nature, so to make him more appealing to consumers, especially in Asia, you gotta throw in as much accessories as you can to make his dollar amount justifiable.
Man..I miss the good ol days:
THIS IS WHAT THE BvS SUPERMAN release should have been! Granted it took HT 2 releases to get to the 2 in 1, but it was awesome and made sense for superman.
Unfortunately, This figure could very well bomb hard in Asia due to lack of accessories and not due to popularity. I believe he'll do decently here because superman is an American icon...but in Asia, especially China, a few more accessories would've been more enticing for the regular collector. A 2 in 1 with an aggressive price tag (as in as cheap as possible) would've for damn sure made this one of the must haves of the year.
I like the figure. I'm satisfied with an extent. I'd be lying if I said I didn't wish for a more robust package. Sadly, this kind of **** is the norm now.
this is a good post. the BVS superman should have come with three heads.
1. normal
2. messed up hair
3. LED heat vision.
and an optional clark kent/superman 2 pack like they did with captain america winter soldier.
I'd be all over a reporter Clark. I would also love a Routh Superman 2.0.
Absolutely. A month ago I rewatched SR for the first time in years and enjoyed it even more than I did back then. Imagine how great a new Routh figure would look now.I've been saying this for years. Hot toys needs to do a 2.0. I think it would sell nicely. Especially with true Superman fans.
However, Superman is Superman. A Superman/Clark Kent two pack may have been a neat set.