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I guess you were born after 1978?

Yes just after, 1983. The Reeve movies were part of my childhood of course, his figure is pride of place in my display. Surely the best Hot Toys box to. I still hope they would do a Reeve Clark Kent figure to stand alongside it.

I get frustrated when people dismiss Superman as boring using the movies as their only reference. I was only six so memories are vague but I don't remember Batman being anything like as popular as he is now before that 89 movie. Spiderman's popularity soared after the Raimi movies while WB continued to misuse Superman.

I understand some people like it but I still consider Returns a disaster for Superman's popularity especially coming right in the middle of BB and TDK. There is surely a happy medium somewhere between harking back to the Reeve movies and making him a brooding alien version of Batman. I hope in Justice League Cavil is allowed to have more fun as Superman.
ya. it's an emotional response. especially hate it when i learned the fact that WB didn't proceed for MOS trilogy because they prefered batman over superman; they wanna bring in batman to lead JL & DCEU. u know... like the treatment of Cyclops and Wolverine of the Xmen movies...
anyway, any data to support your statement? in fact, i thought it is the other way round.. that the Superman figures helps the sale of the Armored and regular Bats figures.

They've already confirmed there's going to be a MoS 2, so they are indeed proceeding with more Superman films in the DCEU.

And the fact that regular Bats sold out pretty much immediately right after it released in HK, whereas it took Superman roughly a couple of months and sold out pretty much coincidentally right after Batman was released and sold out?

Believe me, I can relate to your indignation because Superman has always been my favorite superhero, but I mean it is what it is, man. Superman is traditionally DC's marquee hero, but Batman as of late has been their most popular and best selling character.
Really? :yess: That's great news! Is Snyder still likely to direct?

The film has already indeed been confirmed, so that's not a rumor. What's said here though is the best I've heard for what the rumors are as far as where production of the film is at this point. It's all just mere speculation and rumor though based on various sources.

The film has already indeed been confirmed, so that's not a rumor. What's said here though is the best I've heard for what the rumors are as far as where production of the film is at this point. It's all just mere speculation and rumor though based on various sources.

Thanks man, enjoyed that. Liking the sound of most of those rumours but I'm hoping Snyder doesn't direct anything after Justice League 1. I like a lot of what he does but just doubt his ability to deliver a critically acclaimed movie loved by the general audience as much as comic book fans. If Superman finally gets that I don't see why his popularity can't return to what it once was.
I don't think it's surprising that the Batman figure sold better, it is the first time a real comic book looking Batman has been shown on the big screen. Fans just love the look of this Batman even if they didn't really like the film. As for Superman, we already had a Cavil Supes figure, so it wasn't something completely new.

Batman is definitely more popular these days, just look at the Arkham video games. Supes is just too powerful, he doesn't need sidekicks like Bats does. He doesn't need different costumes and vehicles and gadgets like Batman does. There's just a lot more that can be done with a character like Batman. There's also better Batman villians, like the Joker. Superman's greatest nemesis is Lex Luthor and he's never been executed well on the big screen (loved him in Smallville though).

Supes has always been my favourite and I believe he is the greatest superhero that's ever been created. I also really enjoy Batman, but probably moreso because of the villians and other sidekicks that he has.
I don't think it's surprising that the Batman figure sold better, it is the first time a real comic book looking Batman has been shown on the big screen. Fans just love the look of this Batman even if they didn't really like the film. As for Superman, we already had a Cavil Supes figure, so it wasn't something completely new.

Batman is definitely more popular these days, just look at the Arkham video games. Supes is just too powerful, he doesn't need sidekicks like Bats does. He doesn't need different costumes and vehicles and gadgets like Batman does. There's just a lot more that can be done with a character like Batman. There's also better Batman villians, like the Joker. Superman's greatest nemesis is Lex Luthor and he's never been executed well on the big screen (loved him in Smallville though).

Supes has always been my favourite and I believe he is the greatest superhero that's ever been created. I also really enjoy Batman, but probably moreso because of the villians and other sidekicks that he has.

My sentiments as well. And it took a long time before that figure finally sold out, even reaching dangerously low prices at one point, so why would one be led to believe that this Supes figure (BvS Supes) would sell miles better on its own? As mentioned, it's a possibility that HT made a lesser amount of this Superman figure after seeing how much of a hot seller MoS Supes wasn't, and then after the release of at least definitely regular Batman, the demand for it apparently increased and it subsequently sold out.

Thanks man, enjoyed that. Liking the sound of most of those rumours but I'm hoping Snyder doesn't direct anything after Justice League 1. I like a lot of what he does but just doubt his ability to deliver a critically acclaimed movie loved by the general audience as much as comic book fans. If Superman finally gets that I don't see why his popularity can't return to what it once was.

No problem. :duff

I'm with you, I like a lot of the plot possibilities talked about. However, I seem to be in the extreme minority that actually has no quarrel with Zack Snyder as a director for these films. I thought both MoS and BvS were great and I personally like what he did with the characters and the story that is being told. The man has a great eye for visuals as well. After SS generated low ratings with the critics, I was told that some of them apparently freely admitted that they scored it low simply because they despise Zack Snyder and will score low anything that he does, no matter how good it actually may be as a film.
My sentiments as well. And it took a long time before that figure finally sold out, even reaching dangerously low prices at one point, so why would one be led to believe that this Supes figure (BvS Supes) would sell miles better on its own? As mentioned, it's a possibility that HT made a lesser amount of this Superman figure after seeing how much of a hot seller MoS Supes wasn't, and then after the release of at least definitely regular Batman, the demand for it apparently increased and it subsequently sold out.

No problem. :duff

I'm with you, I like a lot of the plot possibilities talked about. However, I seem to be in the extreme minority that actually has no quarrel with Zack Snyder as a director for these films. I thought both MoS and BvS were great and I personally like what he did with the characters and the story that is being told. The man has a great eye for visuals as well. After SS generated low ratings with the critics, I was told that some of them apparently freely admitted that they scored it low simply because they despise Zack Snyder and will score low anything that he does, no matter how good it actually may be as a film.

Presumably if we do get the black suit Superman that variant figure would sell out pretty quick. Maybe not and I'm just assuming everyone else wants that figure as bad as I do :lol

Well I certainly don't hate Snyder and agree about his visuals. I like many of his ideas but feel he struggles to tell a coherent story. I much preferred BVS to MOS but the third act was sloppy and rushed. The much maligned Martha line made perfect sense as a trigger to snap batman out of his rage but the speed of them trying to kill each other to "I'm a friend of your sons" was too rushed.

Not to mention Doomsday being shoved in there almost as an afterthought right at the end of the movie. Despite being over three hours it still feels like two movies crammed into one. Would have preferred BVS ending with the resolution of their conflict then a worlds finest movie climaxing with Supes death leading into Justice League.

Why is Superman given so little to say? This still bothers me the most I think. Didn't stop me loving the movie but I totally get why many fans and much of the general audience had major issues with it.

Also I hope it's not really the end of Clark. Can't imagine how they'll explain it away but it would suck if he's really dead for good in this universe.
I don't think it's surprising that the Batman figure sold better, it is the first time a real comic book looking Batman has been shown on the big screen. Fans just love the look of this Batman even if they didn't really like the film. As for Superman, we already had a Cavil Supes figure, so it wasn't something completely new.

Batman is definitely more popular these days, just look at the Arkham video games. Supes is just too powerful, he doesn't need sidekicks like Bats does. He doesn't need different costumes and vehicles and gadgets like Batman does. There's just a lot more that can be done with a character like Batman. There's also better Batman villians, like the Joker. Superman's greatest nemesis is Lex Luthor and he's never been executed well on the big screen (loved him in Smallville though).

Supes has always been my favourite and I believe he is the greatest superhero that's ever been created. I also really enjoy Batman, but probably moreso because of the villians and other sidekicks that he has.
ya, batman is like james bond in cape and cowl... you know... the cool gadgets, the cool vihicles, cars, planes, bikes, the sexy bimbos around... good looking with great martial art skill.
james bond is already very popular... the superhero version of james bond... undenitable will be more popular... these days.
The much maligned Martha line made perfect sense as a trigger to snap batman out of his rage but the speed of them trying to kill each other to "I'm a friend of your sons" was too rushed
I've seen this happen a few times growing up. Two guys hate each other, fight, then immediately become friends after (assuming the fight was even more or less) so it's not an unrealistic scenario.
While I really like and enjoy both characters immensely, I also prefer Superman hands down. Grew up constantly watching the Christopher Reeve films. While I do think that traditionally Superman is DC's marquee character (and marquee superhero in any universe, as I feel Supes is to superheroes what the Rose Bowl is to college bowl games, "The Granddaddy of Them All") I think there's no denying that Batman is currently DC's most popular character.

I think a lot of that stems from the fact that many people these days seem to like their heroes "flawed". The same way many people may find Iron Man/Tony Stark appealing on the Marvel side. When characters that are otherwise intended to be "above" humanity suffer from the same everyday flaws that we do in everyday life, it makes them more relatable to us. It also I feel makes us feel as if these heroes aren't so "above" us after all. This is why I think both recent Superman and Captain America films (TWS and CW at least) are a bit more dark and serious in tone, because they are both dealing with characters that are meant to represent something that absolute and incorruptable without having a dark past; in this case, absolute "good". The notion that something is so pure I think is something that many people struggle with, because many people don't feel this is relatable and/or it potentially reminds them of what they aren't. Similar to the way Tony Stark despises Steve Rogers.

What they are currently doing with Supes I feel is the only way to make him relatable while still maintaining his aura of goodness at the same time. He can't be related to on a physical level (the way Username mentioned Batman can be) because he's literally a God like being, so he has to be made to feel and struggle with the same type of emotions that we as everyday people do. That's actually his biggest vulnerability that has never been tapped into nor explored yet, but is being done so in this current DCEU. How he's depicted to handle them though is a testament to his character. Being forced to confront your ideals and values I don't feel is an abandonment of them; it's a reinforcement of them by testing how steadfast you are to believing in them. In the DCEU, as opposed to making him be an alien that is trying to fit in with mankind, it feels they're making him out to be an everyday person who is struggling with the fact that he is an alien and possesses these superior abilities, and is trying to do what he can with them to help. Playing the hand you were dealt, so to speak, and trying to make the best of it.

While it is good to feel a relation to your heroes (being that's part of the reason that you feel drawn to a particular character in the first place), I also at the same time think anyone you idolize is indeed someone who you should feel is better than you. Someone you look up to shouldn't be someone you want to be able see eye to eye with and feel that you're just like them, because then there's no reason to idolize them. That's why they call it "looking up" to someone or something. They inspire you because you aspire to be more like them.

I have the same appreciation for the this latest adaptation!!!!
I think its an accepted fact that Batman is a more popular character then Superman.

Among comic book fans, yes. Among the general population, Superman is more popular than Batman. Of fictional characters, I believe only Mickey Mouse is more popular than Superman.
Not my usual style of photo :lol, but I just got him about an hour ago. This is a temporary setup until I get more time to play around with him.

I love the way his suit/body catches the light.

Thanks! I was thinking that very same thing when I put Supes up there with him. :lol
Henry shares new pic. I can see some modifications but people are saying its BvS costume. I don't think so but maybe I'm wrong.I'm not sure about 2 shades of red on the boots. :\
Yeah that looks new to me also. The ab plates are a lot more pronounced and the two prevalent lines that run vertically down the abdominal section seem to connect to the rectangular belt buckle via a straight line. The boots also look to be two shades of red, but not sure if that's just caused by lighting.

Pretty much the same suit as the BvS one though. Which to me is kind of funny, because I would think this would have been the film to make discernible alterations to the suit after it got ripped by Doomsday in BvS. MoS to BvS should have been the same suit.
MoS to BvS should have been the same suit.
Yes this is very true. BvS costume design should be used in JL.

Thank god I'm right because in a groups people bombed me that its BvS costume. waist details looks more like wings now.