Super Freak
It is indeed a fine figure!
Thanks for sharing the pics.
No problem.

Well guys, Superman arrived today, and it's incredible. I do think there's something about the eyes and the nose. I reckon the eyes are slightly too large for the face. And likewise, the width of the nose is off. But overall, in my own opinion, this is still a better final product than the MOS figure(Although i will never get rid of mine).
I tried to get pics in natural lighting, with shadows like a person's face would have and this sculpt is phenomenal. Although not everyone will agree, i love this one.
I got some closeup details to show the lessons HT have learned from the chainmail on the first one.
Great pics, I like this one in particular. One gets a good sense of the fine details on the costume. The nose may be a tad too big but it's a very impressive figure.
I hope its the beginning of June
That seems early. I'm sticking with a gap of six to eight weeks between HK and Sideshow until we see otherwise.