@SilverStar17 That trinity display looks awesome, kudos. Seriously, it looks great. Love that you used that iconic scene.
BvS is also my favorite superhero film (UE of course, but I'm still hoping for a 3:30ish true director's cut one day).
I've got a special spot reserved atop a book shelf in my home office for the trinity. But I didn't start collecting until just last year (via Sideshow) so I'm going about it a little different. First figure I ever got was Battle Damaged Armored Batman last year, and he was going to represent Batman. But a couple months ago I went ahead and got BvS Batman via eBay to feature instead. So glad that I did, because it is just an amazing figure. The presence of that figure captivates me every time I see him.
I got the JL Wonder Woman because her head sculpt looked like an upgrade. And the YT reviews all said so. But in hand I have to say imo it is not a very strong likeness to Gal Gadot, unfortunately. Especially looking slightly upwards at her. Maybe 6.5/10. Still a great looking Wonder Woman figure, though. And the costume and gear are excellent.
For Superman I've been waiting on the JL figure, since it will (as far as we now) use the BvS head sculpt. I do like the dark blue of the BvS suit. But I also like the warmer brighter colors of the JL version, and that sort of honors where Zack Snyder was eventually going to take the character.
I'm getting wired custom capes for all of them from Unreal Customs. For Diana the blue hooded robe she wore in that one promotional photo early on. For Superman just his regular cape but wired. And for Batman a double sided wired version.
Superman will be in the center elevated as if hovering.
Anyway, now looks like I'll have to wait until August to post a pic of the three of them.