Check out budget stark new video. It seems HT and KA will not be in ToySoul this year...
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If they aren't, it's possible HT will blow their wad at Tokyo Comic Con TOMORROW. We know they're attending that.
I'm hoping for the best and something new but expecting to see the same WW prototype we've seen for the last year.
Though that's personally fine with me. The figure (the sculpt in particular) can stand for some improvements, yes, but I was actually happy with what was shown at SDCC.
If that is what we get as a final product my only question would be, why is it taking so much longer than expected to release?
If you're on the fence with this one, just wait for the WW solo movie version. It'll probably come with more accessories (her blue cloak, etc) and bare a stronger resemblance to Gadot.
It could be worse. I ordered the 9th Doctor Who figure from Big Chief 13 months ago. It still isn't out yet and has been paid off for months.
Unless they get lazy like they did with the Avengers figures and just reuse the same head sculpt. Will hopefully come with more accessories though.
I'm definitely waiting for WW's offering, although I'm interested to see the in-hand pics on this. We're going to have a BvS actually released, a WW offering and a Justice League offering in very close proximity.