Hot Toys Christopher Reeve DX Superman petition.

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I know this is all speculation but does anyone find it strange that there is no Reeve stuff for ever and then boom Mattel and Cinemaquette both release figures?
Prolly a rights issue. Also you had a new Superman movie with a different cast to sell merchandise for.
i think is the battle damage T-800 watch this:

"Curious you? One more thing, the DX04 will also come with a newly sculpted muscular body!"

Its obvious theyre saying that is something new from a previous figure so is the f$^#ing T-800 no Reeve!!:mad::mad::mad::mad:
i think is the battle damage T-800 watch this:

"Curious you? One more thing, the DX04 will also come with a newly sculpted muscular body!"

Its obvious theyre saying that is something new from a previous figure so is the f$^#ing T-800 no Reeve!!:mad::mad::mad::mad:

Where does it say that? Where dies it imply that? coming with a newly sculpted muscular body just means it will not reuse a body that already exists. Like the Rocky body, Dutch body, T-800 body, Comedian body or the Wolverine body, etc. Doesn't mean that they will reissue a previous figure with a new body. It's ok we're all wishful thinking right now.

Maybe the real clue is the list of names and which part they have in? I was trying to figure out if the guy who's Costume designer did Superman Returns?? Maybe a long shot but just curious. Does anyone has the box from there Sups Return?
Clothes production: Wing Tam.......this is for version 1
A figure that requires two face sculpts each with his own PERS, from what I understand. That should eliminate Mark 5 since that would have included a RDJ face and IronMan helmet instead. As for the BD T800, it would require two heads but I would assume that HT would have taken advantage of the red light up in its BD head version. The image of one of his eyes with that sinister red light is iconic. So I think it would rule out the T800.

If I were to venture out on a limb of hope....Two heads - Clark kent and Superman. Has to be two different heads because the hairstyle is different for the two. The new muscular body could mean that the Wolverine/Whiplash body did not look good enough to be re-used.

Although the initial interview with HT mentioned that it was supposed to be a MMS figure, they could have easily changed their minds.

I don't know. I can't take the suspense anymore, first SDCC and now this...:gah::gah::gah:
Thats what I'm thinking too.
Seeing as it's DX it'll be a combo head and two different complete setups, presumably. Battle Damage Arnie couldn't be because we've already got the regular one as a seperate figure. Clark and Superman would make sense, as would Bruce Wayne and Keaton Batman. Either way, I'll be happy with either
Avatar couldn't work either because you would need two seperate bodies along with two different heads. so right now all we can imagine is Superman.
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