Hot Toys Classic Predator in the works?

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They bent his lower mandibles outwards -- on a sculpt that was meant to look good with them bent inwards. Kudos for making some sort of effort, but... yeesh.

No kidding, I am 1000% honestly pumped for Falconer and Tracker. Really, I'm looking forward to them way more than Berserker, mostly because the lack of a removable mask makes them less-likely to be inaccurate.
It's gotten to the point where I don't have a problem with a company like HT playing the safe side. Their human figures on the other hand (like the T1 T-800)... those save the day for me. Creatures need improvement, but DAMN! *goes to oogle at his Arnie*
It could be because I'm tired, but it's getting harder to detect the sarcasm in this thread... :cuckoo:
Yeah but, the beard doesnt make the design better.....

I agree that the face hot toys came up with was way better then what was under berserkers bio in the movie ..that thing was horrible and not in a good way ...but i'm still more for accuracy , for the one pred of the 3 superpred's that they could sculpt a face for i just wish they would have done it right, but the only way they could have done it was to make two heads one unmasked and one with mask...but i don't think that would have been an option:( ..but maybe with classic they might take that approach:pray:
I would love for HT to make a classics Pred from the Predators movie! It would be q good way for people like me who missed out on the older figs to acquire q suitable replacement.
I want to take the mask of my Classic so it best be right:rock
i can already tell from that pic it isn't right. it will probably go through a resculpt or two before production, but it's still the same sculptor as the Berserker and P1, so i'm not getting my hopes up.
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