1/6 [Hot Toys] Daredevil: The Punisher

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I think a lot of the reason it works is that in the comics Wolverine spends a lot of time in button ups and a leather jacket as well as jeans and boots, I'm not sure about Punisher but I get what you're saying. I dug the blood skull in the prison fight, maybe something more along the lines of that?
You got the idea. Something more subtle but you can tell.

I guess the way the MCU is structured, it's really difficult to pull off but Netflix Marvel is a bit different where Luke Cage isn't wearing his Tiara lol.

I found it ridiculous where Diamondback was wearing that getup. Totally lost me.......
The Punisher War Zone film wanted to get rid of the skull, but relented and painted it very lightly instead. I prefer the skull bold and bright as that's Frank's signature. His face has changed throughout his history but the skull identifies him.

Exactly. The skull defines him as the Punisher. I painted the skull on my Revenger Punisher figure bright white too as it should be.
"This release is okay" - everyone salty that HT knocked the custom sculpts and bashes (casual look notwithstanding) off the top.

I hadn't planned on getting this. I don't know if I'll be able to budget it when time comes, but I do very much think it's a stellar release. The pants are my only gripe, some 5.11 pants or tactical cargos would look great, but that's not HT's fault. But again, amazing release - every piece is quality. Fewer better accessories will trump more superfluous extras for the sake of having them any day of the week.
Oh man, that big power suit? That was rough, real rough.

Luke Cage went downhill after Cottonmouth. Just so awful with that crazed maniac running around with a suit....Wtf..

Man I am totally with you guys. Though it was explained to me by another member that the getup was close to the source material. Regardless, I was really enjoying the season until the end of Cottonmouth. It was pretty much unwatchable afterwards but I kept watching hoping it would get better.
hi res post #355 pg 36


























Looks good!! I need to start painting these 1/6 guns I got off eBay lmao. The HT paint work is superb!
That sculpt is so ace.

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I agree, at a glance it looks perfect, if you really scrutinize you can find the imperfections but first impressions it is so Jon bernthal as frank castle, and that has me sold all day long, bernthal did a great version of frank! I personally would have liked a shaved head version as well, but I'm happy with what we're getting.
I agree, at a glance it looks perfect, if you really scrutinize you can find the imperfections but first impressions it is so Jon bernthal as frank castle, and that has me sold all day long, bernthal did a great version of frank! I personally would have liked a shaved head version as well, but I'm happy with what we're getting.

You can do that to most sculpts really, with a couple of exceptions (quarter scale 43 Stark comes to mind). The Vimal sculpt is a great version of the shorter haired Frank, though if HT ever got round to doing their own version of the early season 2 Punisher I'd be all over that too.


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Man I am totally with you guys. Though it was explained to me by another member that the getup was close to the source material. Regardless, I was really enjoying the season until the end of Cottonmouth. It was pretty much unwatchable afterwards but I kept watching hoping it would get better.
I hear ya ... went through the same. -__- The only good part to me was that they didn't try to force a romance, that a guy and a girl could just be great friends and help each other ya know? ... *has successfully erased the end of Luke Cage from her memory*
Pre-ordered. I've always wanted a Punisher figure and I thought the show and Jon Bernthal were great. So instant buy for me.
Just ordered mine with him! Great price for the uk

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Ooofffff!!!! What a brutal price with the currency conversion! You UK collectors should just buy a ticket to Canada and do all your shopping here!! Pre ordered mine at a local CBS here for $270 Cad (thats £160).
I'll just Hong Kong it when he comes out. UK retailer prices have always been a little on the high side but now with the fallen pound it's just crazy.
I would totally get them from Hong Kong but with the box size the package would most likely get caught by customs and after tax and fees, I'd end up paying the same as if I bought them locally. :/