Yeah, I think that's just confirming what we already know - this ship sailed.
People need to really start calling out HT on this type of thing. This has happened to something like a DOZEN figures now and it really has to stop. You understand that projects will get cancelled for various reasons from time to time, but it doesn't happen this many times.
You just never know what fig it's going to happen to next. I'm seriously starting to think that the Luke and Leia Endor figs aren't going to go up. If it happens to them, any figure HT shows should be considered as simply decoration for their display until it goes up for P.O. Just because they show it, doesn't mean you will own it in a year or so.
I'm thinking that the Leia Bespin could also be on the list of "never went to P.O." Bottom line is, they are now gearing up for Ep IX so a lot of OT stuff will be shifted aside for the inevitable ST trooper and heroes deluge.