Speaking in general, one of the things that is so delicious is seeing holes poked in "Clone Wars" for once. Its adherents view it as the Star Wars version of the King James Bible.
"NO WAY can x be true because Jim Bob says in "Clone Wars" episode 3, season 4 that he is/is not! CHALLENGE NOT MY HOLY WRIT!!!!!"
HAHA jokes on you, looks like Filoni/Favreau are shredding your expectations.
Companies got to make new toys you know.
People on FB are saying that he will either take over Slave 1, that Fett will gift him Slave 1, or that somehow he's going to take possession of the Millennium Falcon. All three of these options make me roll my eyes. Just like I did over all of the "Clone Wars" theories people put out there, each of them wildly implausible and none of which happened.
Mando will definitely get a new ship; I would imagine the ex-Empire will be providing it sooner or later.
Yeah, Boba Fett ain't giving away any of his daddies **** to anyone. The only way he is getting Slave I is if Boba dies in the finale, which is a possibility.
That would really suck, all this hype to bring him back just to kill him off for good...
Besides that, I think HT really are really hit with the COVID delays now. Whatever released this year must have been in the pipes already. Delays especially in the headsculpt department.
Yeah, Boba Fett ain't giving away any of his daddies **** to anyone. The only way he is getting Slave I is if Boba dies in the finale, which is a possibility.
No. Don't kill him. After all this time, his stay cannot be so brief.
Luckily I dont think this will happen.
No. Don't kill him. After all this time, his stay cannot be so brief.
Luckily I dont think this will happen.
So many HT opportunities...
Mortar Trooper
Squad Leader Stormtrooper
Boba Fett
Fennec Shand
He is a dead man. The Slave 1 will now be the Slave 2. I think there is a reason they haven't shown his sarlaac pit escape, they are saving it for his spinoff to take place immediately following his survival.
That's why I said I wouldn't be that surprised. The ship is iconic but the character is problematic, because from what we've seen in the films, honour or no honour, he's evil and that's at least part of why Din's character even exists. I don't think it's a lock because Favreau may still have surprises up his sleeves for us, but the moment the RC happened I looked at the Slave I and raised an eyebrow.
He isnt evil, he is just a simple man trying to make his way in the universe.
Yeah I think evil is a bit of a stretch. Morally grey for sure. But there is a code behind his actions. I don't think we have anything in current canon continuity (can't speak for the Disney era comics or books - they are just placeholders until a tv/film based version overwrites them anyway as we have already seen to be the case) that suggests he is evil.
Yeah I think evil is a bit of a stretch. Morally grey for sure. But there is a code behind his actions. I don't think we have anything in current canon continuity (can't speak for the Disney era comics or books - they are just placeholders until a tv/film based version overwrites them anyway as we have already seen to be the case) that suggests he is evil.