Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mando" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi" + "The Book of Boba Fett"

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Sling your hook then ungrateful Grogu.
I think Rodriguez would be a perfect fit for the High Republic show myself.....

Oh i totally agree. We could go in just knowing we were already on a collision course with wackiness, instead of expecting something quality.

I think thats going to be my go-to expectation with anything SW from here on out. I have to protect my heartstrings.
Not Rian Johnson? Come on it’s the perfect match, High Republic fans (aka The Last Jedi fans) would be all over that. They could revel in each other’s smugness and self-importance for the rest of eternity.
Well they can fight it out for Showrunner status, but could split the episode directing between them !!

Oh man is that show going to be fugly !
Imagine a 1/6 3D print of this baby to fit Mando and Grogu into !! (in pieces of course).

Modelled by the guys at Starshipmodeller. Not sure if it's available to purchase, or what they are planning ?

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Think Hot Toys will make this within the next two years, provided it survives Mando s.3, of course. I don’t imagine it’ll be one of those turn up at cons and never release kind of deals either, this thing is small enough to make it feasible and would sell by the bucketload.
Think Hot Toys will make this within the next two years, provided it survives Mando s.3, of course. I don’t imagine it’ll be one of those turn up at cons and never release kind of deals either, this thing is small enough to make it feasible and would sell by the bucketload.

I could see HT showing it at SDCC this summer and having it up as a legit preorder around the time season three begins. It's less plastic than the DeLorean they just put up.
Ruindriguez has proven to be a worthy successor of Ruin Johnson.
Man Rodriguez was working with a script by Favreau, but you seem to forget what is the importance of a script in a series/film or you are just a Favreau fanboy to not be able to see his mistakes\limitations as a writter.

You may not like but TLJ is one of the best Star Wars alongside ESB, TPM, ROTS and Rogue One
They'll show it and put Batgirl from Batman & Robin on preorder.
Man Rodriguez was working with a script by Favreau, but you seem to forget what is the importance of a script in a series/film or you are just a Favreau fanboy to not be able to see his mistakes\limitations as a writter.

You may not like but TLJ is one of the best Star Wars alongside ESB, TPM, ROTS and Rogue One
All the directors were working with scripts written by Favreau. The difference was we had three brilliant episodes directed by Steph Greene, Bryce Dallas Howard, & Dave Filoni, and one good episode by Kevin Tancharoen. The three absolute stinkers were directed by Robert Rodriguez. They all worked from the same scripts. For sure it’s not Favreau’s best work, but four directors made the most of what they were given and Rodriguez made the least of what he was given.

I do wonder though whether Favreau was made to re-work that failed Josh Trank Boba Fett film script into The Mandalorian timeline. I just feel that’s what must’ve happened here, it would explain why the show was as disjointed as it was.

Also, in what reality is TLJ one of the best Star Wars movies lmao. It’s not even the best of the ST, and the other two films were also quite dreadful. I’ll give you points for recognising TPM as a good movie though 👍 I love that film, as goofy as it is in places.
All the directors were working with scripts written by Favreau. The difference was we had three brilliant episodes directed by Steph Greene, Bryce Dallas Howard, & Dave Filoni, and one good episode by Kevin Tancharoen. The three absolute stinkers were directed by Robert Rodriguez. They all worked from the same scripts. For sure it’s not Favreau’s best work, but four directors made the most of what they were given and Rodriguez made the least of what he was given.

I do wonder though whether Favreau was made to re-work that failed Josh Trank Boba Fett film script into The Mandalorian timeline. I just feel that’s what must’ve happened here, it would explain why the show was as disjointed as it was.
It’s never entirely one person’s fault, I agree. A good script can be ruined with bad acting, bad editing, bad pacing, bad effects, bad direction, bad music, etc.

One of my Disney professors had us animate the same script scene and all 30 of us put out something different. Some were good, others great, and others ruined the scripted scene entirely.

A lot of weirdness may have worked better with a different approach, like if the costume designers handled the Mods differently on an aesthetic level, or if the action better matched those ending concept art shots, or if the editing was more focused and less aimless, etc.
All the directors were working with scripts written by Favreau. The difference was we had three brilliant episodes directed by Steph Greene, Bryce Dallas Howard, & Dave Filoni, and one good episode by Kevin Tancharoen. The three absolute stinkers were directed by Robert Rodriguez. They all worked from the same scripts. For sure it’s not Favreau’s best work, but four directors made the most of what they were given and Rodriguez made the least of what he was given.

I do wonder though whether Favreau was made to re-work that failed Josh Trank Boba Fett film script into The Mandalorian timeline. I just feel that’s what must’ve happened here, it would explain why the show was as disjointed as it was.

Also, in what reality is TLJ one of the best Star Wars movies lmao. It’s not even the best of the ST, and the other two films were also quite dreadful. I’ll give you points for recognising TPM as a good movie though 👍 I love that film, as goofy as it is in places.

Man you're just making excuses for Favreau's bad work as a screenwriter, he's one of the reasons why this BOBF is so bad, in one of the interviews Rodriguez said that he had to improvise most of The Mandalorian episode to fulfill the time because Favreau's did not wrote enogh to fulfill the whole leght of the episode.

Its Favreau(writer), and in second Rodriguez(director) fault for the mistakes as both of them were the heads of BOBF.

Dude TLJ will grow just like ESB and TPM(is a really mature movie if you get(and accept) the politics part) grow as time passed as top 5 best Star Wars movies, TLJ works as sequel to TFA and closure of TFA if you ignore the monstrosity nostalgia bait of TROS.

But yes i agree that different director could save with a different approach the work of Favreau and Rodriguez.
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Man you're just making excuses for Favreau's bad work as a screenwriter, he's one of the reasons why this BOBF is so bad, in one of the interviews Rodriguez said that he had to improvise most of The Mandalorian episode to fulfill the time because Favreau's did not wrote enogh to fulfill the whole leght of the episode.

Its Favreau(writer), and in second Rodriguez(director) fault for the mistakes as both of them were the heads of BOBF.

Dude TLJ will grow just like ESB and TPM(is a really mature movie if you get(and accept) the politics part) grow as time passed as top 5 best Star Wars movies, TLJ works as sequel to TFA and closure of TFA if you ignore the monstrosity nostalgia bait of TROS.

But yes i agree that different director could save with a different approach the work of Favreau and Rodriguez.
Dude I've watched TLJ 1,3 times. Once in the cinema because I was up for a great next instalment of the Star Wars franchise, and like so many others (including my teenage son) thought it was totally crap. For the benefit of the doubt I watched 0,3 of it at home later, and turned it off.

I have no desire now or later to watch it again. Same applies for Ep9 tbh.

So if you think TLJ will ripen with old age like a good wine, I think you're incredibly wrong and definitely in the minority. Vinegar yes, good wine no.

But each to their own. You're entitled to your opinion. Just you won't be swaying any opinions here at this point in time.
Man you're just making excuses for Favreau's bad work as a screenwriter, he's one of the reasons why this BOBF is so bad, in one of the interviews Rodriguez said that he had to improvise most of The Mandalorian episode to fulfill the time because Favreau's did not wrote enogh to fulfill the whole leght of the episode.

Its Favreau(writer), and in second Rodriguez(director) fault for the mistakes as both of them were the heads of BOBF.

Dude TLJ will grow just like ESB and TPM(is a really mature movie if you get(and accept) the politics part) grow as time passed as top 5 best Star Wars movies, TLJ works as sequel to TFA and closure of TFA if you ignore the monstrosity nostalgia bait of TROS.

But yes i agree that different director could save with a different approach the work of Favreau and Rodriguez.
Excuses? I think after he single-handedly saved Star Wars with The Mandalorian, after Rian Johnson tried his best to destroy the franchise, he deserves a bit of leniency and the odd mis-step. He could’ve done better for sure, he could’ve also done much worse. Unlike Saint Rian he’ll actually listen to fans and try to correct his mistakes.

I keep hearing this about TLJ and how it will one day be considered on par with ESB. How so exactly? It doesn’t have one single redeeming feature. ESB was always a masterpiece, and TLJ will always be a pretentious piece of crap made by a self-congratulatory ego-maniac. It won’t mature like a fine wine, in 20 years it’ll still taste like sour milk. What will people hold-up as the shining examples of this era in 20 years? The answer is The Mandalorian and Rogue One. I’d even go as far as to say there’ll be more Solo fans in 20 years than there are TLJ fans.
I could find a few gifs to end the discussion of TLJ being a good film. Then, any logic used in criticizing the story of TLJ will overwhelmingly crush any support for it. People will like anything these days, but it cannot hold up against scrutiny.
Dude I've watched TLJ 1,3 times. Once in the cinema because I was up for a great next instalment of the Star Wars franchise, and like so many others (including my teenage son) thought it was totally crap. For the benefit of the doubt I watched 0,3 of it at home later, and turned it off.

I have no desire now or later to watch it again. Same applies for Ep9 tbh.

So if you think TLJ will ripen with old age like a good wine, I think you're incredibly wrong and definitely in the minority. Vinegar yes, good wine no.

But each to their own. You're entitled to your opinion. Just you won't be swaying any opinions here at this point in time.
I’ve seen it multiple times and it only gets worse each time. I mean you can like whatever film you like but don’t keep coming on and making the same stupid statement about it being on level with ESB over and over again. It just so obviously isn’t. Neither is TPM btw, and I already admitted to adoring that film. I’ve never seen such an attention-seeking fanbase as that film, The Last Jedi, has. I guess they’re just copying the behaviour of their attention-seeking director. Some really weird cult-like behaviour goes on with that film, it’s disturbing.
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Excuses? I think after he single-handedly saved Star Wars with The Mandalorian, after Rian Johnson tried his best to destroy the franchise, he deserves a bit of leniency and the odd mis-step. He could’ve done better for sure, he could’ve also done much worse. Unlike Saint Rian he’ll actually listen to fans and try to correct his mistakes.

I keep hearing this about TLJ and how it will one day be considered on par with ESB. How so exactly? It doesn’t have one single redeeming feature. ESB was always a masterpiece, and TLJ will always be a pretentious piece of crap made by a self-congratulatory ego-maniac. It won’t mature like a fine wine, in 20 years it’ll still taste like sour milk. What will people hold-up as the shining examples of this era in 20 years? The answer is The Mandalorian and Rogue One. I’d even go as far as to say there’ll be more Solo fans in 20 years than there are TLJ fans.

Dude i dont mean to offend you, but the one who tried his best to turn Star Wars into **** was a guy called J. J. Abrams.
If you cant understand that, them there is no point discutting how much i like TLJ or how much you hate TLJ.
ESB had the same recepction as TLJ in the original release of the movie.

Just see how a movie can get better or worse over time.

Dude when you understand that the one who destroyed the sequel trilogy was J. J. Abrams(as he started and ended the thing), you will understand how wrong you were to talk **** about Johnson.

Favreau did a good job on The Mandalorian but even since in Mandalorian he was not a good writter, but he was alongside Filoni(who was the guy who actually saved STAR WARS with his unlimited creative power).

  • Favreau is a great executive producer but he isn't a good writer and this already became explicit in both shows(Mandalorian and BOBF).
  • Filoni is a great storyteller and knows how to handle Star Wars way better than George Lucas.
  • Johnson is a great director and great storyteller, when you compare his creative he is in the same level as Filoni, Taika, Gunn and Snyder.
  • Abrams is a good director, but he does not have creativity when working with established characters, he fear fans backlash and he sucks as storyteller, he is the one who though Luke exiled after the destruction of the New Jedi Order would be a good ideia in a new trilogy.
Captain_Trips the problem with hate is that you get blinded by it, you get bothered by a someone who likes something just because you dont like it, we are all entitled to build our opinions.
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