Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mando" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi" + "The Book of Boba Fett"

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I could find a few gifs to end the discussion of TLJ being a good film. Then, any logic used in criticizing the story of TLJ will overwhelmingly crush any support for it. ...
I can help you out there..


Finn's at one point strongest set-up, and best arc would have been balancing his own won freedom, against going to win back his fellow Troopers. Swaying those he could to his cause, and championing and leading them to the Rebellion side. Should have been his own unique epic hero arc.

His interesting set-up and character drive, were squandered to give TLJ fans their beloved rescue the Chihuhuorses arc instead...
And this :lol

Which left the character which once had great potential, pretty much pointless.
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Dude i dont mean to offend you, but the one who tried his best to turn Star Wars into **** was a guy called J. J. Abrams.
If you cant understand that, them there is no point discutting how much i like TLJ or how much you hate TLJ.
ESB had the same recepction as TLJ in the original release of the movie.

Just see how a movie can get better or worse over time.

Dude when you understand that the one who destroyed the sequel trilogy was J. J. Abrams(as he started and ended the thing), you will understand how wrong you were to talk **** about Johnson.

Favreau did a good job on The Mandalorian but even since in Mandalorian he was not a good writter, but he was alongside Filoni(who was the guy who actually saved STAR WARS with his unlimited creative power).

  • Favreau is a great executive producer but he isn't a good writer and this already became explicit in both shows(Mandalorian and BOBF).
  • Filoni is a great storyteller and knows how to handle Star Wars way better than George Lucas.
  • Johnson is a great director and great storyteller, when you compare his creative he is in the same level as Filoni, Taika, Gunn and Snyder.
  • Abrams is a good director, but he does not have creativity when working with established characters, he fear fans backlash and he sucks as storyteller, he is the one who though Luke exiled after the destruction of the New Jedi Order would be a good ideia in a new trilogy.
Captain_Trips the problem with hate is that you get blinded by it, you get bothered by a someone who likes something just because you dont like it, we are all entitled to build our opinions.
No I get bothered by someone who comes in here every few weeks making the same claim that TLJ is a masterpiece like ESB. Obviously just looking for an attention-seeking rise. That’s not hatred, that’s annoyance. Still, I know it’s easier for you, and your likeminded brothers in arms on Star Wars Reddit Leaks, to label everyone who dislikes your film and messiah, RJ, as toxic and hateful.
No I get bothered by someone who comes in here every few weeks making the same claim that TLJ is a masterpiece like ESB. Obviously just looking for an attention-seeking rise. That’s not hatred, that’s annoyance. Still, I know it’s easier for you, and your likeminded brothers in arms on Star Wars Reddit Leaks, to label everyone who dislikes your film and messiah, RJ, as toxic and hateful.
See you are bothered by the fact that someone can enjoy something that you just dont like it. TLJ is a masterpiece like ESB for some, you're even saying that for liking a movie i dont have my own opinion. I am not the one being toxic here.
See you are bothered by the fact that someone can enjoy something that you just dont like it. TLJ is a masterpiece like ESB for some, you're even saying that for liking a movie i dont have my own opinion. I am not the one being toxic here.
I agree that arguing against another person's opinion of a movie is pointless. I'm resisting giving you crap for comparing TLJ to ESB but I do find it annoying that I had to scroll up to the top of the screen to confirm that I was indeed in the Hots Toys Mando, Cassian, Kenobi , BOBF thread. How'd we get here again?
To ever quote and treat George Lucas quotes as gospel is retarded thinking. Youtube him during the pre-production and production of the PT and you realize George really has no idea what he is doing. Films are best as a collaboration. To wholly plan, write and film a large CGI film by yourself always leads to disaster.

Everyone gave him a pass with the PT and look where that got him. James Gunn totally wrote and directly GOTG Vol. 2 in a vaccum and even he admits he missed the mark.
To ever quote and treat George Lucas quotes as gospel is retarded thinking. Youtube him during the pre-production and production of the PT and you realize George really has no idea what he is doing.
He was always weak, and by the PT era Palpathleen was already in his head. :panic:
Is a Star Wars release looking likely this week? Surely the next week or two belong to Marvel. Really hope I’m wrong. There feels to have been a solid 4 weeks between SW releases for the last few months. Still think we’re a couple of months away from Black Krrsantan and Cad Bane being ready, so Cobb Vanth seems nailed on for the next release. Unless they do something totally random like a clone. Hope for this week, expect something around the middle of March.
I'm starting to wonder how delayed all the figures due this year are gonna be? There are several Star Wars figures that are supposed to ship from Sideshow in Q1 that haven't been released in HK yet and we are over halfway done with Q1. There are still figures like Ahsoka that are already long delayed. At this rate the stuff that is supposed to ship in Q2 won't arrive until Q4 at best.
Back to the figures I say !!

Cobb Vanth surely this week !!! I need a Mando S2 pre-cyborg version.
Rumor was that Hoody Goblin was this month. This is the last week of the month. So I speculate that:

Hoody Goblin
Week after:
The Batman/Batcycle

Cad Bane might've been a secret so he might be awhile. April perhaps. Cobb could be first, but he just screams a Summer Exclusive I have been saying for awhile now. Later to order, but earlier to arrive. That reuseable armor just screams Summer Showcase Exclusive. Now that puts Black Krrsantan to the front of the three I believe will get made. No Gam Guard either as the featured ones look like Chip N Dale dancers. I'm gonna go with Black K as the next SW preorder, week after Batman.

The following weeks:
Black K
Double dose of Spidey - Andrew and Tobey the same week
Moon Knight - I think the main costume will go up for PO as the show starts. They will also make the Mr. Knight when the show ends.

Bad Batch S2 is set for Spring 2022. Mar 20 - Jun 20. Oh whats this? Moon Knight starts on Mar 30 then end on May 4th. MAY THE FOURTH. Moon Knight then Bad Batch then Kenobi makes sense to me. Then perhaps She Hulk, Andor, Ms Marvel then Mando to round out the year.

I say Kenobi, Vader and the Inquisitors all get made after the finale. Maybe a trooper type like a Purge Trooper as well.

There is some unknown with Andor, I think HT is cautious and waits until the show is over to make him. The handful of troop types could come during the show.

Mando will start at the end of the year and I just see it as releases on the date, not announcements unlike BoBF with Fennec.
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Rumor was that Hoody Goblin was this month. This is the last week of the month. So I speculate that:

Hoody Goblin
Week after:
The Batman/Batcycle

Cad Bane might've been a secret so he might be awhile. April perhaps. Cobb could be first, but he just screams a Summer Exclusive I have been saying for awhile now. Later to order, but earlier to arrive. That reuseable armor just screams Summer Showcase Exclusive. Now that puts Black Krrsantan to the front of the three I believe will get made. No Gam Guard either as the featured ones look like Chip N Dale dancers. I'm gonna go with Black K as the next SW preorder, week after Batman.

The following weeks:
Black K
Double dose of Spidey - Andrew and Tobey the same week
Moon Knight - I think the main costume will go up for PO as the show starts. They will also make the Mr. Knight when the show ends.

Bad Batch S2 is set for Spring 2022. Mar 20 - Jun 20. Oh whats this? Moon Knight starts on Mar 30 then end on May 4th. MAY THE FOURTH. Moon Knight then Bad Batch then Kenobi makes sense to me. Then perhaps She Hulk, Andor, Ms Marvel then Mando to round out the year.

I say Kenobi, Vader and the Inquisitors all get made after the finale. Maybe a trooper type like a Purge Trooper as well.

There is some unknown with Andor, I think HT is cautious and waits until the show is over to make him. The handful of troop types could come during the show.

Mando will start at the end of the year and I just see it as releases on the date, not announcements unlike BoBF with Fennec.

*CNTRL+F Padme*

Excuse me sir I don't see Padme in this post.
Back to the figures I say !!

Cobb Vanth surely this week !!! I need a Mando S2 pre-cyborg version.
At the risk of starting another argument, which I'm not trying to do, can someone explain to me the appeal of this character? I mean, he doesn't exactly look cool, which is at least the appeal of many of the background nobodies from the OT. He looked absolutely ridiculous in the Fett armor, and out of it, he's just.. a dude. He doesn't look particularly Star Warsy. Unless people just really like Timothy Olyphant that much, I don't get it why so many are eager for this figure.
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At the risk of starting another argument, which I'm not trying to do, can someone explain to me the appeal of this character? I mean, he doesn't exactly look cool, which is at least the appeal of many of the background nobodies from the OT. He looked absolutely ridiculous in the Fett armor, and out of it, he's just.. a dude. He doesn't look particularly s Star Warsy. Unless people just really like Timothy Olyphant that much, I don't get it why so many are eager for this figure.
I think they just like him that much. I'm with you.
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