Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mando" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi" + "The Book of Boba Fett"

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Yep. A lot changes over time. Chinese wages increases and figure technology gets better.

But the one constant is Sideshow's greed bj o matter what the cost.

For sure. It'd be one thing to just be greedy, but greedy and incompetent is a deadly combo. :lol

If they made overpriced figures that were actually good then that's not necessarily better, but it'd be better than what it is now. Why start a new line like the TCW figures and then kill it with **** QC right out of the gate?
There’s always a few apologists out there “it’s not that bad guys!” As they weep internally after wasting $300.
Heck I still have the Hasbro Ponda Baba mixed in with my Sideshow and HT figures. I'll stand by the fact that most of Sideshow's offerings (prior to the TCW Anakin and Obi fiasco) were plenty good enough for a blended display. If I was holding their Skiff Lando in my hand without the helmet would I be a bit underwhelmed by it? maybe. On the shelf standing mixed with HT, it works much better than having no Skiff Lando at all. I don't consider myself an apologist, just my perspective...
So you’re not picking up a Greef then.

I'm leaning that way at the moment. Trying to cut back as much as possible. So far, I have managed to pass on a number of supposed "must-have" figures from the show.

I just did a quick inventory and these are the ones that I did pick up:

- Dura-steel Mando (OG)
- Boba Fett 2-pack
- IG-11
- Incinerator Trooper
- (2) Death Troopers (for Krennic)
- (2) Storm Trooper Commanders (one is for a separate project)
- Death Watch Mando
- Moff Gideon
- Shore Trooper
- Mando and Child deluxe (first release)
- Transport Trooper
- (2) Tusken Raiders (one is for a "ANH" conversion)
- Preordered Fennic Shand.

I guess I could say, "In for an ounce, in for a pound" but every figure skipped is a big savings, these days.
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