Nerf Herder
The sculpt is too hard.
Exactly the setup i was going for. Guess i'm safe and can keep my pre-order in then.
The sculpt is too hard.
this is the natural response of a child.
Remember when the RE Alice pics came out before the figure was released and the HS looked like a blowfish? Everyone got all pissed off and said it was crap and they wouldn't buy it but once in hand pics came out a lot of people thought it was the best female HS HT ever did.
Wait for more pics
No, no, there's no difference between the two. According to some, the clean sculpt has been improved.reminds me of ESB... when Vader announced that he is Luke's father. as a child, i though "could it be a trick"?
this is the natural response of a child.
WTF, chill out Goldilocks. I hope our porridge is just right.
True, it's a consolation of sorts.All this panic is the most fun I will have with this stupid ass figure.
Remember when DX Indy pics came out before the figure was released and the HS looked like a blowfish? Everyone got all pissed off and said it was crap and they wouldn't buy it but once in hand pics came out a lot of people thought it was the worst Male HS HT ever did.
Don't wait for more pics
I like the changes they made to the regular head. Only thing I have to complain about is what I've been complaining about since day one: PERS sucks.
I like my Indy. Could it have been better? Sure. Do I regret getting him? Not in the slightest.
This will be the same deal.
reminds me of ESB... when Vader announced that he is Luke's father. as a child, i though "could it be a trick"?
this is the natural response of a child.
Two different arguments really, I ended up with 3 Indy DX sets. I modded two and left one mint. I don't regret buying any of them. But I still think its the worst HT DX sculpt ever?