It comes from a more or less inside source, these are in fact the sdcc examples, and as I suggested, if you look closely at the material, specifically of the battledamage luke closeups, from the con, you will see it is the same material, and the defects in the material are all too matched. I'm in no way implying ROOK is part of a conspiracy or is even aware..but I do think you are kidding yourself in the fact that these are not legitimate sourced pics directly linked to SSC or HT, yet conveniently surfaced. I'm pulling for this figure, I'm just as dissapointed
these might not be what we are actually getting....that said, this is not just a $300 figure, this is an investment of thousands from a finite company, that from an economics point of view has alot too loose...amd there now appears to be alot of gray zones surrounding these pics.
If he is he is HT most realistic creation to date..well done
So we're back to "who knows" until you have it in hand...
I like it! Keep the fires of panic burning. Gives us something to talk about.
Personally I'm hoping Luke turns out to be a travesty. And all this conspiracy is true. Evil, evil HT spreading lies with a complicated plot of evil. Much more interesting then if the figure is great and we just get a bunch of posts that say "Looks great, got mine".
Anybody who knows ANYTHING about Terry (Rook) and his connection with SSC would know he's legit.
please dont post a pic of the ex head...i want SOME surprises when i get this in hand...but yeah...if u have a pic of it..go fer it.wooooo.
History repeats itself. It seems crappy pics come out and people panic and cancel. The figure arrives and generally get good reviews and then those that cancelled regret it. This is an awsome figure. I can't wait to finally have a great Bespin Luke.
Craig at this point i think it would be best for you to let your source be known. After what i just read, yeah i think that would be best!
Welcome to sideshow freaks where it's easier to flip out over a single crappy picture and create some cloak and dagger story about hot toys planting a fake user in the forum to make us happy.