I think people would believed Rook more if he had made an unboxing video...sans shirt, of course.
I'm pretty sure I saw the production piece over on the grassy knoll.
Hmmm this just seems crazy to me. Why is Rook being kicked in the face for helping us with pics? I'd like more info but I don't see why he is being doubted.
Even after we saw that washed out pic of Luke's face a few days ago I didn't even think about canceling my order. Just about everything looks 75-100% better in hand
So we're back to "who knows" until you have it in hand...
I like it! Keep the fires of panic burning. Gives us something to talk about.
Personally I'm hoping Luke turns out to be a travesty. And all this conspiracy is true. Evil, evil HT spreading lies with a complicated plot of evil. Much more interesting then if the figure is great and we just get a bunch of posts that say "Looks great, got mine".
I appreciate it....that said I was obviously wrong in regards too not noticing the obvious differences in stitching, however my worry was not self inflicted. I will wait to see the actual figure in hand before I make any further comments about was was stated too me...that said I do apologize to you rook for any grief...cheers
Craig at this point i think it would be best for you to let your source be known. After what i just read, yeah i think that would be best!
He did upload higher resolution pictures.
These were on his public flickr account that took a whole two seconds to find. (Hopefully he doesn't mind. If so, then I apologize.)
Maybe he sells them? I wonder if they will sell out with all this hype
I think it's a nice looking figure
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I'm not trying to stir the pot here, but it has come to my attention that the pics released and photographed, are not in fact the final product but SSC's SDCC 2012 sample figure....I cannot say who has given me the info from the board...but I trust it. That said this almost appears to be a conspiracy...I'm not sure what too think now. However I spent long ours on the site last night going over the images from SDCC and the recent released ones, and there does appear to be a correlation between the ones recently released and the SDCC ones, even the fabric.
Let the speculation begin.
nothing was done but stir the pot. LolOMG dude... seriously? There is no conspiracy, that's just crazy.