Super Freak
Can't wait to get this in my hands. It's finally on its way!
Late in the game! But WOW! This fig just brought back my love for SW!
some quick pics taken with photo booth.
The details on everything is just impressive. All the stitching and
weathering on both figures are phenomenal. Love the heads too!
I'm surprised this hasn't sold out yet.
Congrats on your new haul, bud! I always thought you're a SW fan so I'm kind of surprised to see that you got this just now. You didn't like it at first, I assume?
This figure set grows on you, IMOAnd the value for its price also helps, more so that I got it for only $250 MISB
I think HT figures take long to sell out lately, for a lot of reasons. Their prices are getting higher, that even those who used to buy multiples buy less lately, and that they might have upped their production run for each figure. But again this set must be the best value offer from HT in years as far as the whole package is concerned, so I guess it might be the production run.
So you were the one who got it at 10k!Got it for $270 (11k)
from greattoys
I was focused on Avengers when this came out, but after seeing
some group shots of the Avengers, I thought I'd just keep the top 4
and Loki..
Selling Hawkeye freed up some funds.Plus, I just finished junior
year in college. I thought this would be a nice treat for celebrating.
I really feel so happy thinking I only paid a clone trooper's
worth for each figure. Again, accessories are a major bonus on top.![]()
Just ordered my first Hot Toys figure (Luke DX)! Holy crap, what if it sux..?
Just ordered my first Hot Toys figure (Luke DX)! Holy crap, what if it sux..?
Just ordered my first Hot Toys figure (Luke DX)! Holy crap, what if it sux..?
Will try to get better pics when the sun comes up.
Cool pose. You don't have to worry about likeness pics as there's already been many to show it off.
Great shots there edward...very effective use of the PERS,
I'm inching closer to getting this...