Yeah, it would have made lots of sense to throw more money down the toilet creating and producing Watchmen, Planet of the Apes, Mars Attacks, and Spirit. How about more Predator or Alien guys that go on clearance because they have to disguise likenesses?Oh yeah. Not finishing a line is good business?that's just dumb.

Which lines should Hot Toys have continued pursuing but failed to, exactly? People have tried to turn Hot Toys into a caricature, and I'm not entirely sure why. Terminator, Iron Man, Resident Evil, Rambo, Dark Knight, and Aliens all got a fair number of releases, and show what happens when you have a successful line that actually sells. They don't try to scrape the bottom of the barrel with lesser characters it isn't worth their while to produce or obtain likenesses for, but are you gonna criticize them for that?
--edit: And clones don't count, btw. Pumping out 50 repaints in a year ain't a noteworthy accomplishment, IMO.--
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