I predict that Pirates of the Caribbean : On Stranger Tides, will be just as mediocre as the other Pirate sequels, so I am sticking with Indiana thank you very much.
I doubt they will change the number of units on a big license like Indiana Jones due to pre-orders. It's going to sell. From a sales POV is as sure as a sure thing gets.
Beyond this web site are a lot of collectors who aren't as picky about face sculpts. It would have to be unforgivably bad to not sell out. I doubt that's the case now. I expect HT has reworked this figure and hopefully looks tons better.
They are probably waiting to show it until they are closer to Raiders 30th anniversary on June 12th. That's just decent marketing.
Cant help but wonder if preorders for this one are not as great as they expect. Got an email from Alter Ego weeks ago saying they preorders were about to close, yet its still up after all this time
Never ordered it. Protesting the $200 plus range. Just too much $
Gonna be funny when people are going to be playing catch up and whine about the price ala Blade and Wolverine![]()
Gonna be funny when people are going to be playing catch up and whine about the price ala Blade and Wolverine![]()
Gonna be funny when people are going to be playing catch up and whine about the price ala Blade and Wolverine![]()
Gonna be funny when people are going to be playing catch up and whine about the price ala Blade and Wolverine![]()