Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pics

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I don't know why the hell it's taking so damn long to show the revised sculpt, It's been 4 months since the first pics were shown & still nothing !, hell, there are figures that were shown after those initial indy shots that are going to get released way before Dr Jones.
I'm not sorry I Pre ordered Indy & I'm sure he'll be worth the wait but Hot Toys need to get a bloody move on !.
They are in a bit of a lull at the moment. I think we've been really spoilt these last couple of years....
They are in a bit of a lull at the moment. I think we've been really spoilt these last couple of years....

Been thinking that myself actually.A couple of years ago it seemed that every couple of days a new piece of awesomeness appeared.Between April and May 2008 we got the Iron Man announcement AND the Dark Knight,for instance.
Theres been a lot of announcements and new figures shown, none that majorly excite me though. But my frustration at the way the Terminator lines have just stopped dead is pretty much overwhelming any excitement I might otherwise have for other stuff.
I don't know why the hell it's taking so damn long to show the revised sculpt, It's been 4 months since the first pics were shown & still nothing !, hell, there are figures that were shown after those initial indy shots that are going to get released way before Dr Jones.
I'm not sorry I Pre ordered Indy & I'm sure he'll be worth the wait but Hot Toys need to get a bloody move on !.

Something I've pointed out numerous times previously in the thread is Raiders will be 30 years old this year on June 12. I'm speculating, but it would make sense for any company selling Indy merchandise to have a commemorative promotion in June.
I doubt that it's Lucasfilm not caring. When have they EVER left money of the table? I'm sure they would have liked to do a 20th or 25th anniversary promotion and sell stuff. I think it probably has more to do with Harrison Ford's attitude towards interviews. He doesn't like doing press promotion for films and is often a crappy, combative interview subject.

I doubt HT is counting on Ford to help sell the Raiders fig. But there will be some magazines and press recognition of Raiders 30 and HT would be smart to tie into that.
It's not that Lucasfilm doesn't care about INDY... it's that they're just too busy keeping the head of the STAR WARS machine up their own asses. Seriously, that's such a pervasive, never-ending juggernaut of a money-maker that no matter what the size of the LFL workforce is Star Wars will always consume 98% of their time, attention and efforts.
It's not that Lucasfilm doesn't care about INDY... it's that they're just too busy keeping the head of the STAR WARS machine up their own asses. Seriously, that's such a pervasive, never-ending juggernaut of a money-maker that no matter what the size of the LFL workforce is Star Wars will always consume 98% of their time, attention and efforts.

Lucasfilm...ignores it's slightly younger, less offensive franchise child? :lol I was being facetious Carl, but sometimes I wonder if they give two ____s about Indy, maybe Amblin is the one who really hates Indy. I am kidding
Mabye it's the fact that Indy is also subject to Spielberg's approval that's kept the license from being milked like a ten-uddered cow by Lucas? :huh
Something I've pointed out numerous times previously in the thread is Raiders will be 30 years old this year on June 12. I'm speculating, but it would make sense for any company selling Indy merchandise to have a commemorative promotion in June.

Didn't help SS with the anniversary of ESB.....
Don't know if it has been brought up or not but do you guys think that
Hot Toys will make a Temple, Last Crusade or Skull Indy. My fear on buying this one is they will make one of them in th Movie Masters Line
with a better sculpt. It wouldn't be the first time that the did that. The only reason I got the Cannibal jack was for the smirk head sculpt for my AWE Jack.
I'm thinking this may be the only Indy we get from HT. But on the other hand, if HT does a double dipping with this franchise you could always turn around and sell the DX and at least get your money back.

That's true, I just hate to part with them, it's a big pain. It's one of the reasons I haven't sold one of both of my Jack Sparrows' to have the money for the DX Jack.

I would buy a Henry. I bought the Medi one because I didn't think SS would make him and a month later what do you know. :gah:

Thats kind of the fear with the DX.
How about a Henry Jones Senior figure. Sean Connery ftw!:D

I just bought the sideshow version this past weekend. I love Hot Toys figures, but only for main characters. $150 is two expensive for old Henry Jones, the sideshow one for $90 will do just fine :)
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