Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pics

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Hey, wait a minute -- where'd you get that picture of me?


In all seriousness there are a lot of people involved in this figure, not just Arnie. I am sure things will be improved on, and it also seems they are not too keen to preview so early after the Indy backlash. So maybe it's a lessoned learned by Hot Toys that will see no more of this figure until release time, good or bad?
They really put that up on Facebook recently? :horror

Everything about that picture stinks. I think HT has walked away from this now with all the praise its getting on Sparrow and Todd.

As to the "adjustments", I think they've done whatever they could afford to do (realizing that this is gonna be another Alien) and just moved on.

I'm sure it's not worth their time or money for a complete RE-DO but unfortunately that's exactly what this particular figure needs.

I mean, look at the pic above: hat's wrong, jacket material looks like Hasbro, shirt collar's too big, bag strap looks cheap too... and of course the sculpt. There's nothing salvageable there unless you send this puppy back in time about 3-4 years ago.


Sums up my feelings to a T... Very disappointing if this is the end product without any changes.
What's happened here is a clear smear campaign and bias against the Jones name and family by the Chinese ever since Henry Jr. destroyed that night club back in 35.
HT seemed to quickly scramble back to show us what Arnie Kim could really do with those 2 Bruce Lees, just to prove any doubters wrong. Then, they decided to show us just what a DX should look like with Jack and then show they could get other licenses right with Sweeney.

A fine display of covering one's a$$ if ever we saw one! As for Indy, considering when he's due, and how much work they must have put into the above, he's going out as is!

Surely they would have proved us wrong by now if this wasn't the case

OK, fair enough a lot of members feel these are old pics, but what is strange is that these were uploaded at the same time as all the other new pics of new products that I have shared in the respective threads, with the same lighting and saturations, etc.

Which leads me to believe these are new pics that I shared, however hopefully of just the old piece, prior to revisions IF it is getting any.
There had been so much talk of this going back in for additional work... I can't tell the difference.

If these are new pics then HT has either made a mistake uploading these to FB (unlikely) or this is the final product. If it's the latter then HT has dropped the ball.

I expressed some concerns about Kim working on Superman's development last week. If those pics are of the finished Indy then I'm feeling vindicated.
These were not uploaded by HT, they were posted on the HT Community page.

Makes me doubt if any revisions are happening, otherwise this would have been pulled from the display, like Spidey.
These are old pics, if you go back in the thread they have already been posted.
What with all the shouting about newer releases I doubt we'll see any new ones.

I really do think Indy's ship has sailed, and been torpedoed!

Or it could be that HT learned from their mistake and aren't going to show us any more Indy pics until he is finalized.
Quite a few distributors of this locally have sold out their pre-orders. The suckers are lining up early without updates. No doubt this will sell out when released but cummon HTs you had better improve the sculpt, clothes etc.etc.etc.

I am in hold out mode for the time being.
I'm going to predict right now that we won't be seeing the tweaked version of this until SDCC at the Sideshow booth.
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