Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pics

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I was scrolling through this thread and came to this pic and my 4 year old recognized that it was "Indy!!!" he said. He loves LEGO Indiana Jones and he's watched the movies with me and he could even see who it is. :dunno

Doesn't sound as hard as you're making it out to be. Seems to be more disappointed with the jacket and price.

Nice bolding. Read two pages after that what he has to say about the jacket too.

I said he's pretty hard on it, I guess that's relative. But when he ends by saying I regret buying it, that seems to sum it up, doesn't it? Being disappointed in the price has everything to do with the figure, the price isn't something separate as you make it out to be.

It's funny, the "haters" as you guys call some are directing their "words" against the figure, but the yay-sayers as I call 'em are directing their words against the "haters". That's where the problem starts guys.
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Here's some of the Pic's from OMG which I've been waiting to see. I just keep trying to convince myself to like it but I just keep seeing David Beckham dressed up as Indiana Jones :slap

I just showed this picture to 2 of my friends, one in his mid 30's the other in his mid 40's, and asked if they knew who it was.

The guy in his mid 30's had no idea
The guy in his mid 40's said "a weird looking Harrison Ford?"

Both are very familiar with the movies and the actor, and are pop culture "geeks" (we are playing Dungeons and Dragons while I type) and that was the best responses I could get from them. :dunno
I was really close to canceling this, which was absolutely killing me. After Kingdom of the Crystal Skull I thought the depths of Indy-related disappointments had already been discovered, but some of those early pics (namely the one that is being used in somebody's sig that is obviously hardly representative of what it actually looks like) had me really worried. After seeing OMG's pics I'm even more excited than I was before. It's not absolutely perfect, but it's preetty damn good to me. My biggest gripe anymore is the seam at the neck.
But isn't that like saying: you're happy with it, great, move on.

Incidentally, has anyone actually read what OMG said about the figure and not just look at the pics. He was pretty hard on the figure in hand you know.

I agree, and hope they correct that sculpt too. I don't know what the deal is with Lucasfilm and HT.

Yup, you are exactly correct. There's no need to go on and on repeating how great it is either. You're not going to change anyone's mind either way. And the people who say things like "your an idiot if you can't see Harrison Ford" are equally as bad.

I don't know, in the end, I just don't see getting that worked up about it either way. I guess a civil discussion is too much to hope for in this day and age.

Oh, and I did read OMG's comments. I didn't think he was that hard on it. I do appreciate his comments. I'm sure when I have mine in hand I will find some things that bother me too. I kind of have issues with the holster and some of the colors as is. I never said it was perfect. Anyone that says it is is fooling matter how good any of these figures are, none of them are 100% perfect...including the much touted SS sculpt, which is great (and I love Trevor's work), but certainly not perfect...factory paint, no paint, custom paint aside.
Oh, and I did read OMG's comments. I didn't think he was that hard on it.

Then I stand corrected by you and toylion...but that's the first time I've ever heard him say that about a figure.... regretting buying it and all. That seems hard to me, plus what he added in about the jacket restrictions later. Fact is, he took great pictures but he still isn't satisfied.

Anyway, yes, I'm all for civil discourse. I like joking around too. I wish some people didn't take such offense and try to 'strike back'...that's when it gets nasty.

For the record, although I think I've been pushed into the 'haters" club, I really don't think its a god-awful figure and I don't 'hate' it based on my earlier posts. I don't like it, but I don't hate it. I'm still hopeful I can do something with it actually.
Thats cool and all, but the difference here is that I didnt ASK my four year old "WHO IS THIS?!?" He just happened to look at the screen and say "Indy!!" 4 year old Innocence, its an amazing thing!


I just showed this picture to 2 of my friends, one in his mid 30's the other in his mid 40's, and asked if they knew who it was.

The guy in his mid 30's had no idea
The guy in his mid 40's said "a weird looking Harrison Ford?"

Both are very familiar with the movies and the actor, and are pop culture "geeks" (we are playing Dungeons and Dragons while I type) and that was the best responses I could get from them. :dunno

I just showed this to my dog. It farted. See?

You should change the dog food.
Hey dude... I understand a lot of people being heavily disappointed by this guy...
I mean, you see how much a home-run Supes is, and definitely Indy is not HT's best... still, I think it's the best Indy figure ever released to date...

As much as I like SS Indy sculpt, I had to invest lots of time and money to make him look good...
With HT's it looks very good right out of the box...

All in all, we've come a long way from this:


To this:



2 of the 4 look like dear in headlights! :slap

HT actually looks like its a real picture of indiana jones. :whip
Then I stand corrected by you and toylion...but that's the first time I've ever heard him say that about a figure.... regretting buying it and all. That seems hard to me, plus what he added in about the jacket restrictions later. Fact is, he took great pictures but he still isn't satisfied.

Anyway, yes, I'm all for civil discourse. I like joking around too. I wish some people didn't take such offense and try to 'strike back'...that's when it gets nasty.

For the record, although I think I've been pushed into the 'haters" club, I really don't think its a god-awful figure and I don't 'hate' it based on my earlier posts. I don't like it, but I don't hate it. I'm still hopeful I can do something with it actually.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not really directing any of this at you in particular. You have always been one of the more level headed people here. Just was tagging off my answer to your comment is all.

I'm gonna have to go back and look for those further comments by OMG. Honestly, after trying to catch up on a whole day's worth of comments, I started skipping through a lot of posts as it was quite grueling.
He sure sucks for $250.00.

But he sure is one awesome looking, bad ass Indy that should be on everyones shelves for $160.00.

So the problem here isn't the eye liner PERS, it's the $90.00.
This figure has me torn. I've decided I won't be getting it, as I want my collection to stay DC-exclusive for the time being. However, I'd still like to chime in and share my two-cents. I was one of the supporters of the prototype, but this final product is confusing. There are some pics where I think "that looks absolutely awful," while in others, I find myself believing that it actually looks pretty good.

That being said, I think that this was a poor decision by Hot Toys. I've been a Superman fan my entire life, and I especially idolized Christopher Reeve's rendition of the character. However, there's no doubt in my mind that Indy is just as iconic, dare I say moreso, as Christopher Reeve's Superman. The first glaring mistake I've seen is giving both to Arnie Kim. I am so grateful to Arnie after seeing the final version of Superman, but giving him both of the biggest releases this year was downright stupid. It seems like HT wanted to say, "Look at our fresh new talent." With this kind of decision, this was
bound to happen. Kim would work on one figure and neglect the other.

Which brings me to the second mistake from HT: Rushing. If you look back, every single thing about this figure was rushed. The announcement and unveiling came out of nowhere, and on top of that, how many HT releases come out within two days of each other? It was as if HT said "Here's our beautiful new baby," and slipped the deformed child into their bedpan while everyone was distracted. Bottom line: this figure could've benefitted from a delay, as with Superman out of the way, Kim could've focused on Indy.

Lastly, HT really was negligent with this release. Arnie Kim is talented, but HT has tons of other talented artists who could've taken the workload off. From Vets like Yulli and Kojun, to newcomers like Song Hye Hyun and, if the Keaton Batman is any indication, Pan. I can't blame Arnie for it all, either, as this is just as much HT's fault as a company.
Then I stand corrected by you and toylion...but that's the first time I've ever heard him say that about a figure.... regretting buying it and all. That seems hard to me, plus what he added in about the jacket restrictions later. Fact is, he took great pictures but he still isn't satisfied.

Anyway, yes, I'm all for civil discourse. I like joking around too. I wish some people didn't take such offense and try to 'strike back'...that's when it gets nasty.

For the record, although I think I've been pushed into the 'haters" club, I really don't think its a god-awful figure and I don't 'hate' it based on my earlier posts. I don't like it, but I don't hate it. I'm still hopeful I can do something with it actually.

I am neither a hater or a naysayer. I haven't even pre-order this, have a lot on my plate already and was waiting till this actually came out. I have never said in any of my post it looks great, just that I was hoping for better. I don't have any PERS figures and am just glad they didn't use them on Superman. I was just pointing out that I didn't think OMG was that hard on it. Never meant to sound like an attack. And I too am hoping that it by some miracle does in fact look better in hand. Nothing else we can really do, it's out of our hands.
I don't know Rzeznikk. I just think it's odd that you love the sculpt and your 4 year old son just happens to recognize a head sculpt that looks nothing like Harrison Ford. Ironic really. I mean you were just scrolling down through the thread, just happened to stop on that picture and he recognized it? Are you sure he didn't see, I don't know, the full body shots around it? It's more plausible that a 4 year old read the thread title "Indiana Jones" then recognizing this piece of ____. :lol

Now I could see if you said that your kid recognized the character in a full body shot of the figure, i.e. the hat, coat, pants, whip etc. but that head? C'mon.

Me thinks that a lot of the collectors that say "hey my enter friend/relative/acquaintance said this about the sculpt" are full of it.

I know in your case that you didn't ask your son but I've noticed this past week there have been many examples of "I showed them this, and they said this or that". You know what happens if I ask people what they think of this ____?

I either get, "I don't give a ____ honey, STFU", "This again? I don't care" or, my favorite :huh.
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