Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pics

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I do think there is some validity to the HT "chewed off too much" notion. This happened to SS also. Remember Terminator 2? Growing pains. It happens to every company. HT rose because of SS's growing pains.

I wonder if EB or 3R or someone else will rise over the next couple years?

And no worries, toylion and Billy Ray. Known you guys too long. :duff
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Oh dear. I cant work out whether people are spoilt or just plain ignorant.
At present ... as far as I am concerned this is best HF likeness @ 1/6th scale since the Medi KOTCS... but let's see when it's in ACTUALLY IN HAND!

Compared to this... we are laughing!

Uh no not even close. I'll take Sideshow's Indy everyday of the week and twice on Sunday than this over priced train wreck.
Sideshow's Indy out of the box, or one with a new jacket, belt, holster, whip, shoes, body, shirt, pants, and a custom painted head?
I don't know Rzeznikk. I just think it's odd that you love the sculpt and your 4 year old son just happens to recognize a head sculpt that looks nothing like Harrison Ford. Ironic really. I mean you were just scrolling down through the thread, just happened to stop on that picture and he recognized it? Are you sure he didn't see, I don't know, the full body shots around it? It's more plausible that a 4 year old read the thread title "Indiana Jones" then recognizing this piece of ____. :lol

Now I could see if you said that your kid recognized the character in a full body shot of the figure, i.e. the hat, coat, pants, whip etc. but that head? C'mon.

Me thinks that a lot of the collectors that say "hey my enter friend/relative/acquaintance said this about the sculpt" are full of it.

I know in your case that you didn't ask your son but I've noticed this past week there have been many examples of "I showed them this, and they said this or that". You know what happens if I ask people what they think of this ____?

I either get, "I don't give a ____ honey, STFU", "This again? I don't care" or, my favorite :huh.

I really dont give a ____ if you believe me or not. Truth is truth and thats all I care. You can go ahead and play pessimist all you like. Fact is fact my son saw the image and said "INDY!!". He recognized the character without the iconic hat or jacket, wow that is SO HARD TO BELIEVE. What a ____ing joke.

Im really so sorry that HT pissed in your cherios and released a Indy that wasnt to your standards, but you go ahead and believe whatever you want to believe. Donkey. :rolleyes2:rolleyes2:rolleyes2
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Because no one demanded it, I asked my wife (who agrees with me on some likenesses and disagrees on others), and she said you could sorta tell who it was, but she thought he looked really off in OMG's hatless pics.

I don't think it means jack, since one person's opinion is just as invalid as the next, but there's my anecdotal evidence.
Uh no not even close. I'll take Sideshow's Indy everyday of the week and twice on Sunday than this over priced train wreck.

wow. i think hatred has blurred a many peoples vision on this board. i guess we that like it are compelled to defend it that much stronger. while people that dont.. just need a better prescription. IMO
Im really so sorry that HT pissed in your cherios and released a Indy that wasnt to your standards, but you go ahead and believe whatever you want to believe. Ass. :rolleyes2:rolleyes2:rolleyes2

I admit, im guilty of fanning the flame. BUT ive been a lifelong Indy fan ( it was the first movie i recall seeing at the movies!) and i was expecting something along the line of their Godfather figure and instead recieved this. Ive seen what HT can do and they are very capable of producing sculpts that are amazing. Add to this the hype of Arnie Kim making the sculpt, i was expecting a grandslam and instead got a bunt slide to first base.
I think ive aired my complaints enough. For those that decide to get it, good luck and its cool your happy with it...
Uh no not even close. I'll take Sideshow's Indy everyday of the week and twice on Sunday than this over priced train wreck.

Sideshow's Indy is even a greater trainwreck..:lol

____ty paint ops
Raggedy ann floppy joints
Bobble Head
I canceled my $235 Indy at BBTS. I went back and checked their listing and found their price was now $250. Some weird part of my messed up head felt kinda ripped off about it, like I'd lost $15 on something I'm not even buying. WTF??
really?? you cant be serious?!

I was very serious. The bulk of the body, clothes and all, makes the head look overly small. Thats not some new criticism that I'm just now pulling from my arse to jump on the hating bandwagon, I am but one of a few people who pointed that out right from the start. :dunno
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Ok. I was fine with the proto. I was hoping it would be at least like that to get it. I was going to get it still, regardless of the change but my mom just saved me $250. By coinsidence, i visited her and I showed her a pic of just the face and asked her who it was. It took her a while to find the likeness. That was enough to change my mind.

Showed her the proto and she saw more likeness there than on the final sculpt. O well, save me some money.
I canceled my $235 Indy at BBTS. I went back and checked their listing and found their price was now $250. Some weird part of my messed up head felt kinda ripped off about it, like I'd lost $15 on something I'm not even buying. WTF??

It's simple. You saw that the price increased from your original preorder. Seeing that increase made you psychologically interrupt the situation in a negative light, thus giving off the feeling that, despite not buying the figure that you were ripped off.

Or something like that.
Why is Dexter dressed up like Indy? :dunno

Wow. What a ____ storm!!! How long is this thread going to get? Ive looked at all the pic including OMG and my opinion has not changed. Sculpt still blows but the rest is pretty sweet. I dunno the one shot of him in box from toyworld doesnt look that bad I guess...but its still not HF. That whole eyeliner look is atrocious though. HT enough with the ____ing PERS! As a matter of fact ____ it, it can all go! The light up base,googly eyes etc. NO more gimmicks. And Im gonna be pissed if the first time I wanna move my Joker 89 figs eyes the stupid thing breaks! I plan on setting them and forgetting. Anyway, I am looking froward to the future of this figure though. How people are going to customize the sculpt to their liking, the most favored kitbashing parts, where the price will be in 6months to a yr from now etc.
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