I don't know Rzeznikk. I just think it's odd that you love the sculpt and your 4 year old son just happens to recognize a head sculpt that looks nothing like Harrison Ford. Ironic really. I mean you were just scrolling down through the thread, just happened to stop on that picture and he recognized it? Are you sure he didn't see, I don't know, the full body shots around it? It's more plausible that a 4 year old read the thread title "Indiana Jones" then recognizing this piece of ____.
Now I could see if you said that your kid recognized the character in a full body shot of the figure, i.e. the hat, coat, pants, whip etc. but that head? C'mon.
Me thinks that a lot of the collectors that say "hey my
enter friend/relative/acquaintance said this about the sculpt" are full of it.
I know in your case that you didn't ask your son but I've noticed this past week there have been many examples of "I showed them this, and they said this or that". You know what happens if I ask people what they think of this ____?
I either get, "I don't give a ____ honey, STFU", "This again? I don't care" or, my favorite
