HT enough with the ____ing PERS! As a matter of fact ____ it, it can all go! The light up base,googly eyes etc. NO more gimmicks.

HT enough with the ____ing PERS! As a matter of fact ____ it, it can all go! The light up base,googly eyes etc. NO more gimmicks.
he's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes...........
It's simple. You saw that the price increased from your original preorder. Seeing that increase made you psychologically interrupt the situation in a negative light, thus giving off the feeling that, despite not buying the figure that you were ripped off.
Or something like that.
he's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes...........
This thread makes me. I make valid points and they get blown off in favor of another pissing contest. Though, in retrospect, isn't that what this entire thread is?:rofl
Also, I fall under the category of "liking PERS." HT did a half-ass job of integrating it into Indy, but don't blame that on the tech. Keaton Batman and Nicholson Joker are perfect examples of just how awesome PERS can be when done right.
This thread makes me. I make valid points and they get blown off in favor of another pissing contest. Though, in retrospect, isn't that what this entire thread is?:rofl
Also, I fall under the category of "liking PERS." HT did a half-ass job of integrating it into Indy, but don't blame that on the tech. Keaton Batman and Nicholson Joker are perfect examples of just how awesome PERS can be when done right.
Also, I fall under the category of "liking PERS." HT did a half-ass job of integrating it into Indy, but don't blame that on the tech. Keaton Batman and Nicholson Joker are perfect examples of just how awesome PERS can be when done right.
No two ways about it, Trev's was an AMAZING piece of work, let down by simply appalling paint apps... However this is the straight from the box Indy I think I want in my collection. Sure, the pics throw up problems, but it still looks like THE most solid ROTLA depiction @ 1/6 yet... well, to my old eyes anyhows!
I was also somewhere in the middleish. . .until the production version was shown. Though these threads always do seem to go off the rails one way or the other nowadays, the whole "you're an idiot if you can't see that this figure. . ." either looks like or doesn't look like Ford is the most tiresome thing of all. The "you're part of an ignorant groupthink mentality" argument is beyond laughable and really just shows me that these people have blinders on. Say your piece, voice your anger or adoration, but don't go around insulting others for having a different opinion. Christ sake.
Anything JAWS is excellent!
Indy is "from the creators of JAWS and STAR WARS" so....