I don't begrudge people criticizing this sculpt. It could definitely use some work, and I figure it's all fair since Kim and others get paid to sculpt heads for sale to overly picky, entitled geeks.
people are calling this mans work a catastrophic failure. I can see if it was truly a terrible sculpture, but its not.
google indiana jones 1/6 and click images. You will see some that are not good.
Just as sure as the 1/6 Joes were killed off by statues, Hot Toys will now start crapping in a box, stick googly eye stickers on it, label it "DX," and we'll just keep on buying
would you tell the car maker how much you hate it 2-3 times a day? no you would move on to a car you want.
And how would you like it if people bashed the job you do at work? For all we know Arnie Kim worked his ass off on this sculpt and i think he did great. Maybe its not perfect and mayeb some people think it sucks, but i dont think people posting here daily how much they hate the headsculpt is fair.
I still dont see whats so bad about it anyway. Show me a better indy sculpt at 1/6 scale.
i love the headsculpt. too many bashers on this thread. Do a better job than him yourself then bash his hard work. Or just dont buy it and visit a different thread. /rant
Just as sure as the 1/6 Joes were killed off by statues, Hot Toys will now start crapping in a box, stick googly eye stickers on it, label it "DX," and we'll just keep on buying
would you tell the car maker how much you hate it 2-3 times a day? no you would move on to a car you want.
And how would you like it if people bashed the job you do at work? For all we know Arnie Kim worked his ass off on this sculpt and i think he did great. Maybe its not perfect and mayeb some people think it sucks, but i dont think people posting here daily how much they hate the headsculpt is fair.
I still dont see whats so bad about it anyway. Show me a better indy sculpt at 1/6 scale.
point taken, im not saying its wrong to criticize it, but this is not as bad as people are saying it is. I showed it to 4 people who dont collect and arent geeks and they all knew it was Harrison Ford and thought it looked good.
I know some are posting Photoshop fixes on HT's Facebook page. Have people posted on Arnie's page as well? Are there a lot of negative postings there (like here)? Has there been a response?
Sorry, obviously I'm not on FB.
Strawman's argument. The fact that he thought it was worthy of a heavy hitting license debut (one of Hot Toys "dream licenses"), the highest priced DX to date, a $250 figure shows that, Bruce Lee aside, he has little pride in his work to pass that off as complete. Especially with what the other sculptors at HT are banging out on the regular basis.
Bashing the figure is fine, but I think it's going a bit too far to bash Arnie's character by speculating that he takes little pride in his work.
I agree the continuous bashing is pretty annoying. I am of the mindset make your opinions once, no matter what they are and move on until it is fixed or not. But I won't judge someone because of their opinion, no matter how harsh. Of course constructive criticism is always the best but for some people they have not learned that yet.
Despite the criticism, I'd think we'd all agree Arnie Kim has more talent than the entire lot of us combined. We are lucky to have him in this field. He could go off and sculpt anything he wants, but he likes Bruce Lee, Indy, Supes, etc. So I think we are fortunate in that regard.