Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pics

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____ 1/6, they've all ____ed up.



What a turd. The hat is to small, the sculpt looks nothing like Ford, the holster color is wrong, the jacket doesn't look right and what is with that neck joint???

It's a pass.
If Sideshow didn't touch Marion and Sallah, HT with their "high profile character" stance, won't either. If they did anymore from RotLA, it'd likely be only Toht and they'd toss in the Ark to help overprice the release and then move on to another film.

That'd be a pity, I'm sure the demand would be there. Maybe we'll see a Mola Ram though.

That'd be a pity, I'm sure the demand would be there. Maybe we'll see a Mola Ram though.


Yeah, no doubt. If this figure sells, Indy and Mola are no-brainers (definitely be buying Mola but ToD Indy will be a wait and see based on this release). As for Marion, there're a couple outstanding custom headsculpts floating around the board. Haven't seen anything for Sallah that knocks my socks off though. :(

NAM is Batman. DiFabio is Robin.

I guess that makes you Oswald Cobblepot. :dunno

Yet at the end of the day, most HT fanboys will probably agree that the Hot Toys figure easily beats out the others, despite its flaws.

Fixed for accuracy. :lecture:lecture:lecture:exactly:
Yet at the end of the day, most folks will probably agree that the Hot Toys figure easily beats out the others, despite its flaws.

That is my thought as well. I don't need a spot on sculpt, almost perfect paint aps are more important to me.
The point is, ...Google "Trevor Grove Indy" and be learned.

prob with that is what SS boxed as their final product is NOT that beautiful sculpt Trev did. It was an oversized poorly painted neckless sculpt with the forehead cut off and a fedora glued on

Reinforces the strawman argument. You should've shown it to your friends and then asked them if they think it's worth $250. Then ask them if they'd pay $250 for it. I'm betting the answer will be unanimously "nope." :lol

Yes but our non-geek friends would be saying that about the $ 20 Hasbro figs $39 DML figures and $ 90 Sideshow figs

I can live with the paint apps not being a 10/10 but I want my figures that are known for having a certain actor to look like that actor.
prob with that is what SS boxed as their final product is NOT that beautiful sculpt Trev did. It was an oversized poorly painted neckless sculpt with the forehead cut off and a fedora glued on

I think it was mainly the paint apps and the Prometheus that didn't do Trevor's sculpt justice. On the right body with the right paint it really shines.

Yeah, no doubt. If this figure sells, Indy and Mola are no-brainers (definitely be buying Mola but ToD Indy will be a wait and see based on this release). As for Marion, there're a couple outstanding custom headsculpts floating around the board. Haven't seen anything for Sallah that knocks my socks off though. :(

'If this figure sells' Now that is the $64,000 question. Let's hope it does, then we can at least rescue something from all this. SSC killed it with the poorness of the rest of their line. That said, I'm tempted to get a Henry at some point, but I'd have to get a TT as well.

I absolutely would not buy HT versions of Toht, Belloq, etc, all the previous SS offerings. I'm pretty happy with the SS versions and I don't necessarily love those secondary characters enough to spend $150-$200 on each of them. $90 was just about the cut off point for me.

I agree that I don't think HT would ever touch them though, much less Marion and friends.

I'm most likely passing on this Indy (like 99% sure I'm passing). But I might cave if HT ever does a TOD Indy.
Fixed for accuracy. :lecture:lecture:lecture:exactly:
If you say so. Sideshow's figure was pretty good when first released, but the quality of the outfit, body, and paint apps are extremely low compared with your typical Hot Toys' release (this one most likely included). Medicom is not comparable in any way, so really, it sounds to me that you are arguing that Sideshow Indy is superior to Hot Toys' because the head sculpt looks good if you pay a great painter to fix it up, and if you buy sovereign studio clothing and accessories or whatever. That doesn't make it better "out of the box" though.
I was out when I saw the price. ... I hope all this doesn't kill the chances of there being a line of figures. We still need a decent Henry, then Marion, Sallah, Belloq and Marcus.


just curious what would you be willing to pay each for a really well sculpted
Sallah, Belloq and Marcus ?

I kinda get a chuckle when I hear people mention supporting characters like this and Commissioner Gordon, Alfred and Roadie from a company that averages $ 150 per figure

prob with that is what SS boxed as their final product is NOT that beautiful sculpt Trev did. It was an oversized poorly painted neckless sculpt with the forehead cut off and a fedora glued on

It is the beautiful sculpt. You can see evidence of it with some of the repaints. The factory paints killed it, but repaints let it really shine. Add a new body and it's 100% better than what came out of the box for less than $100.

Yes but our non-geek friends would be saying that about the $ 20 Hasbro figs $39 DML figures and $ 90 Sideshow figs Jim

Then I'd argue that anything they have to say would be irrelevant. Comments from people outside the realm of our peers really don't have any substantial merit.

'If this figure sells' Now that is the $64,000 question. Let's hope it does, then we can at least rescue something from all this. SSC killed it with the poorness of the rest of their line. That said, I'm tempted to get a Henry at some point, but I'd have to get a TT as well.


The only figures I'd buy would be Mola and potentially others SSC didn't make. Sideshow's Sr. was PERFECT!

I absolutely would not buy HT versions of Toht, Belloq, etc, all the previous SS offerings. I'm pretty happy with the SS versions and I don't necessarily love those secondary characters enough to spend $150-$200 on each of them. $90 was just about the cut off point for me.

I agree that I don't think HT would ever touch them though, much less Marion and friends.

:lecture:lecture:lecture:lecture :exactly:
That's the problem isn't it? I don't want to endorse a poor or overpriced product by buying it, but I don't want HT to abandon the line as it's an amazing opportunity to own some fantastic figures based on my favourite movie character. A HT Mola Ram could be amazing, but if they can fudge Indy, perhaps they'll drop the ball on other characters too :(
It's not due out until Quarter three, yet we are to believe it's job done already. The sculpt has been approved so it can be shown for Pre-order purposes, you can't officially show any figure off unless the likeness is approved. I still say the figure will look much improved on release day.
I really hope that is the case. I laughed at all those justinluck "what if HT got the Indiana Jones license?" threads as it seemed to good to be true. Such a shame, I really hope they get their act together.
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