Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pics

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It's not due out until Quarter three, yet we are to believe it's job done already. The sculpt has been approved so it can be shown for Pre-order purposes, you can't officially show any figure off unless the likeness is approved. I still say the figure will look much improved on release day.

Agree that's why I've put my money down on this all ready, I'm just so confident HT & Arnie will get this right. Dino I noticed your a big Indy fan from your YouTube videos but have you ordered this yet or are you still waiting on further pic's before making your mind up?
I was out when I saw the price. They should have put all the R & D time into a couple of MM's, perhaps Raiders and TOD, got them right and then they could maybe have done a DX. I hope all this doesn't kill the chances of there being a line of figures. We still need a decent Henry, then Marion, Sallah, Belloq and Marcus.


Sideshow's Henry is an outstanding figure right out of the box. I doubt wheter an HT version would improve much upon it.
I haven't seen it in hand but Henry Sr does look pretty impressive from the pictures I've seen.
I was out when I saw the price. They should have put all the R & D time into a couple of MM's, perhaps Raiders and TOD, got them right and then they could maybe have done a DX. I hope all this doesn't kill the chances of there being a line of figures. We still need a decent Henry, then Marion, Sallah, Belloq and Marcus.


WTF a decent Henry? Are you serious?
hEre's the silver lining....

If this figure sells out as is... Hot Toys will make a Temple of Doom Indy... which is sure to see the level of usual improvement when Hot Toys gets a second go around (I.E. Joker, Batman, Iron Man, etc.)
hEre's the silver lining....

If this figure sells out as is... Hot Toys will make a Temple of Doom Indy... which is sure to see the level of usual improvement when Hot Toys gets a second go around (I.E. Joker, Batman, Iron Man, etc.)

:clap :goodpost: That's absolutely true. I'm really okay with letting this one pass me by. I'm really happy with my SS Indy and I don't see enough of an improvement on HT's to warrant a new ROTLA Indy for almost 3 times the price.

However, I'm still waiting on a TOD Indy and if its creation depends on the success of this Indy, then by all means, everyone buy it! :) Like Wake said, chances are HT will make significant improvements on the next one!
Because they always do.

It took them until their 3rd production run to address the leaky Batman and then they only replaced a few hundred bodies and that was only after those customers tied little poodle berets in their hair and jumped through flaming hoops. This has already been approved for production so I highly doubt anything will be modified. The only official response is from Kim himself who simply stated he'll look into looking into it. :lol
I think he means tweaking the sculpt, in which most cases they always do.

T-1000 comes to mind.
I think he means tweaking the sculpt, in which most cases they always do.

T-1000 comes to mind.

Poor example. Neither that, nor the T-1000 as Sarah Connor (which if I remember correctly also received "revisions") achieved any kind of decent results.
THought the in hand Sarah was way better than the proto. She looks good.

They improved Blade, are improving Ghost Rider too.

If you hate this figure so much nam, why are you in the thread?
Poor example. Neither that, nor the T-1000 as Sarah Connor (which if I remember correctly also received "revisions") achieved any kind of decent results.

What about Bruce Lee's body or War Machine? Those are the most recent ones I can think of.

I mean, I'm with you on the price, hot toys fan boy mentality, stupidity in preordering this and the look of the headsculpt, but Hot Toys is known for taking problems into account and attempting to fix them. In hand is better for the most part from them too, as Evilface stated above.
Spiderman was improved from the time we saw specs to the toy show, about a month's time.

But they shouldn't need a mass fan reaction to judge if they have a solid likeness. I wonder if maybe they have a hard time judging exactly what a white guy should look like, I don't mean it to be racist, but you hear sterotypes like all asians look alike, maybe Hot Toys has a hard time picking up western facial features etc. Alot of times it seems that asian sculptors exaggerate the most prominent facial features like noses etc..
THought the in hand Sarah was way better than the proto. She looks good.

They improved Blade, are improving Ghost Rider too.

If you hate this figure so much nam, why are you in the thread?

Shouldn't come as a surprise that I'm an Indy fan and I really want it to improve so I can actually buy it. The chances of that happening though are likely nil. It would have to be on par with a Rocky comeback. :lol Should they improve it and it's no longer available, I'm more than happy to pay fair market value (mark-up) for jumping on late in the game. I've done it before and I'll no doubt do it again. However, I have little doubt they won't. What you see is likely what we're getting and if it stands, I won't buy. What I'm seeing is nowhere near a $250 figure.
I want it to improve so I can actually buy it. The chances of that happening though are likely nil. It would have to be on par with a Rocky comeback. :lol Should they improve it and it's no longer available, I'm more than happy to pay fair market value (mark-up) for jumping on late in the game. However, I have little doubt they won't. What you see is likely what we're getting and if it stands, I won't buy.

But why? The posts above all lists figures that have been tweeked. HT ins't SS where what you see in the proto is almost always set in stone.
But why? The posts above all lists figures that have been tweeked. HT ins't SS where what you see in the proto is almost always set in stone.

Did you see the post about Milk? This is all fanboy wishing. The Milk post was the most recent "official" news. Given it's already been approved, HT's likely already started production. Realistically, once that starts, how many changes do you really think they're gonna make? And if they do make changes midway through, how many people are gonna get ____ed with the dud in these pics?
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