Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pics

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They're testing a soft market to see how it flies.

But wait until the Bat-freaks get hit with this on the Keaton Bats and Nicholson Joker...and next year's Batman Rises figures.

Oh it's going well as I'm sure you're aware. Sadly I can't get over how many people will just pony up no questions asked. Yes sir! I'll do anything you say sir, oh yes sir!

Look at the scarecrow set and Beat It for what you get. They're so happy to fork over $400+/$250+ for a figure(s) and hands. Regardless of the exclusive tag.

Thanks to them they're going to set the new pricing scheme.
I can't see how anyone is complaining about the Harrison Ford likeness. This is way better than anything we've gotten before.

Sorry, but Trev's 1:6 Sideshow sculpt is superior and his PF is the standard.

Trevor is the best 1:6 sculptor in terms of likeness there is, not to take anything away from some wonderful artist out there. I own a lot of different commercial and custom sculpts and friends even who know nothing about the hobby notice the breathtaking likenesses in his Firefly sculpts.

Someone else (sorry I forgot who) was spot on earlier today when they noted Arnie Kim was just sort of lazy with this sculpt as evidenced by the failure to research the hat properly. The fact the chin in particular is markedly off shows a lack of careful analysis of the subject.

In fact this entire figure is lazy. The whip in particular is a joke, which shows no recognition of superior custom whips people have made.
They're testing a soft market to see how it flies.

But wait until the Bat-freaks get hit with this on the Keaton Bats and Nicholson Joker...and next year's Batman Rises figures.

:lecture:lecture:lecture I feel real bad for Buttmunch. Maulfan will be too busy taking and posting pics of his figures to give two ____s or a ____, but Buttly will be overwhelmed by the tempertantrum threads that'll run rampant in those boards. It will be guano! :lol
Sorry, but Trev's 1:6 Sideshow sculpt is superior and his PF is the standard.

Trevor is the best 1:6 sculptor in terms of likeness there is, not to take anything away from some wonderful artist out there. I own a lot of different commercial and custom sculpts and friends even who know nothing about the hobby notice the breathtaking likenesses in his Firefly sculpts.

Someone else (sorry I forgot who) was spot on earlier today when they noted Arnie Kim was just sort of lazy with this sculpt as evidenced by the failure to research the hat properly. The fact the chin in particular is markedly off shows a lack of careful analysis of the subject.

In fact this entire figure is lazy. The whip in particular is a joke, which shows no recognition of superior custom whips people have made.

I have to agree with you here. Since the beginning of this thread I just cannot get into the look of this head sculpt. Customs I have seen including one I own have a better likeness then these pics. For people that are holding out hope that this is going to change before it is released I think is setting themselves up for a disappointment. All promo pics I've seen of HT figures to date that come out for pre-order always look like the final release. The Terminator Tech Noir for example looks exactly the way the promo pics looked months ago. The Iron Man MK IV that has been shown since last May came out and looks the same. Maybe there were exceptions here and there but I think realisticly what you see is what you get. For those who like it, go for it and for those who don't, pass on it. But for those who think that the final release is going to be so much better, I think they are setting themselves up for a fall. Believe me, I hope I'm wrong because I for one would have jumped on this if the face was better. With that being said to each their own. It's your money and if you are satisfied with what you see then no one is stopping you from spending it.
I'm trying to think of a worse looking preproduction figure HT has shown in recent years and none come to mind. V1 Joker maybe a distant second?
:lecture:lecture:lecture I feel real bad for Buttmunch. Maulfan will be too busy taking and posting pics of his figures to give two ____s or a ____, but Buttly will be overwhelmed by the tempertantrum threads that'll run rampant in those boards. It will be guano! :lol
No worries.

There will be no funny stuff.

To recap :
There are 2 kinds of fans out there
1- The Hot Toys fans who have preordered and are keeping their fingers crossed that the headsculpt, hat, belt, whip and shoes _________( add anything else) will improve... oh and the price will come down.


2 The Trevor Grove fans , who refuse to pay 250 bucks for this HT abomination since they have already sent Trevors far superior sculpt off to a $100 professional painter, replaced the body with a $ 30 Hot Toys (of all brands) body, purchased a STEVOs $ 40 rig or an MFisher $30 whip, $ 40 belt, $ 30 holster, whip keeper etc. + hundreds of $ for Kato jackets and shirts or are ordering up a cigar smelling jacket from the other customizer that will take 2 years to make,
and are p___d at those who have already preorderd
..but will save the 250 they would have spent on Indy to use toward a possible Sallah, Belloq and Marcus (the Oscar Goldman of the francise) if they have'nt already spent it on 2 custom (painted) Marion heads (outfits and bodyto be determined later)

Does that about sum it up ?

;-) jim
I guess those are the stereotypes being perpetuated here. But in reality, the loudest mouths are typically not in the majority, and I figure most folks are somewhere in-between--they want the best Indy they can find "out of the box," but will only accept so many concessions regarding the sculpt, jacket, hat, etc. So, they'll make a subjective decision weighing the various factors out there, but most don't have such a crush for the Grove sculpt that they aren't willing to give something else a shot.
2 The Trevor Grove fans , who refuse to pay 250 bucks for this HT abomination since they have already sent Trevors far superior sculpt off to a $100 professional painter, replaced the body with a $ 30 Hot Toys (of all brands) body, purchased a STEVOs $ 40 rig or an MFisher $30 whip, $ 40 belt, $ 30 holster, whip keeper etc. + hundreds of $ for Kato jackets and shirts or are ordering up a cigar smelling jacket from the other customizer that will take 2 years to make,
and are p___d at those who have already preorderd
..but will save the 250 they would have spent on Indy to use toward a possible Sallah, Belloq and Marcus (the Oscar Goldman of the francise) if they have'nt already spent it on 2 custom (painted) Marion heads (outfits and bodyto be determined later)


I still need to do alot of the above. At least I can get the HT shirt relatively cheap once parted out.
I guess those are the stereotypes being perpetuated here. But in reality, the loudest mouths are typically not in the majority, and I figure most folks are somewhere in-between--they want the best Indy they can find "out of the box," but will only accept so many concessions regarding the sculpt, jacket, hat, etc. So, they'll make a subjective decision weighing the various factors out there, but most don't have such a crush for the Grove sculpt that they aren't willing to give something else a shot.

1.5 - The impartial Indy fan who just wants something 'off the peg' to represent an iconic movie character. A collectable that they intend to keep as designed (i.e. not to custom).
I like my Medi Indy, really like the SS Indy, and I want (sic. expect) Hot Toys to knock this out of the park.

I don't customize myself and keep my figures stock--just my thing.

I do appreciate customizations tho' and have some custom items (P1 Bio etc./ prized custom HS)

I just want something box-fresh that justifies the price tag that this DX will likely command when available.

I will weigh my decision to buy this when I see in-hand pics. I will not pre-order. To those that do pre-order, I will live vicariously thru' their pics. to make a final decision.
That's one good thing about pre-ordering through BBTS. Not only is there no risk (you can cancel for no fee), but they are so late stocking items that plenty of in-hand pics and thoughts will be available before it does, giving you time to cancel if need-be.
I think the main problem with the likeness is they clearly based it on Indy's look of concentration when he's replacing the idol with the sandbag. Right down to the nervous, half-cocked smile and the furrowed brow.


It's just a damn weird, non-standard expression for Ford. He looks even less like himself in this shot than the figure him...or doesn't look like him. Damn confusing analogies... It might be an iconic moment for Indy but it's not an iconic look. And it seems even weirder when you think about Indy being in that same tense mood when he's in the Arabian gear, having a fistfight, making goo goo eyes at Marion, etc. Why couldn't they find a more neutral, less scene-specific look for Indy, or at least make this one an alternate head?

Not to mention in the Arabian get-up, the likeness bears a striking resemblance to modern-day Sean Penn.


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