I will def buy Catwoman and The Penguin, but I may pass on the Returns Suit, if I purchase this one. I must abide by the same principles about not having my collection overrun with Iron Men, same must be for Batmen!
Lol, good luck. I said the same thing. Said to myself, one defining figure for each character. So, got rid of my Mark 3 when I got Mark 4. Sold my Star Wars PF Luke when I got the Jedi. Then, I saw the DX batch prices start to go up and decided to get one maybe to flip it later. Of course, I never do and end up keeping it. Then I dont even know why I had to get the 2nd OC begins, thought I had to have the Bruce sculpt. Now 89bats is on the way. And just this morning I find out they doing returns too. Its like a drug I tell ya.