When the moderators step in and tell me i can't post my pictures in this tread, that's when i'll comply. Until then i don't see why this tread has to personalized to fit the needs of some. What do people expect to talk about and show then? After OMG has posted his pictures, you can have 5 pages max before everything you can say about the figure has been said. Close the tread after that? I thought this was a place where collectors could talk about their collection, show pictures and discuss. Some people get their figure at a later time, and also would like to show it. I don't see any harm in that. Anyone who finds the tread overkill, could have stopped reading it like a 100 pages ago.
And the thing about the pictures. Who is going to decide what a good picture is? Is there going to be a jury deciding an lighting, setting, shuttertime, white balancing etc? What is an objective way to decide a good picture? with standards can be measured by everyone, and not just by the personal taste of some?
I'm not saying you don't have the right to be tired of these pictures, i'm just saying that these things come with the nature of a forum like this.
I try not to take over, but sometimes I have to step in, really two to three pages of whether or not a piece should be called a DX or a MMS was driving me crazy!
Especially in a Keaton Bats image thread
. You guys need to make a separate thread for something meaningless as that.
My main purpose is to provide any questions that people have, when I believe that a piece is worth the attention, then that's what I try to provide, more to reassure that people shouldn't doubt what they are purchasing until they possess it in their hands.
I try to twist it up in my pics, sure everybody shows the standard cape draped look with the closed mouth, and that's a great iconic keaton look, and the photography is fantastic, but why would you like to showcase that look over and over. So if you noticed, I go for the action poses, the using of the PERS, closeup shots and of course try to showcase the over shoulder look and the other mouth pieces as much as I can.
As far as the story sequences are concerned I try to give a sense of showcasing the detail of these pieces without giving the sense of just the typical portrait photos that have been depicted all over the threads with much better use of photography and lighting and backdrops that I could ever possess in my photos, I try to give these viewers a different picture of my collection of photos, so people don't get the feeling that okay, here's someone posting the same standing pose that's been done to death.
The whole idea is that these are considered to be action figures, so why not show the action while we're at it!
I apologize for those of you, who can't stand my photos or stories
, ignore them if you must, I don't take offense, but I'm sure there's got to be some people that appreciate the creativity.
But understand this, if I continue to see mindless rants on useless topics of whether or not a DX is considered MMS for hot toys in a thread like this, I will have to step in, if nobody attempts too.