Mine arrived this morning
Amazing how time flies as somehow I've been playing with him for over an hour and didn't even notice
Initial thoughts....
1- I didn't think I'd ever get the cape right but the key really is manipulating the wire inside, persist with that and eventually you'll get it less puffy and more tight to the body
2- The arms, not as easy to raise as I was thinking they may be and I thought at one point I had a dud but little by little they seemed to become a little more pliable and I've got him in the pose I wanted now
Very happy with him like most people I've currently got him displayed next to Christopher Reeves and the two look sweet as on a shelf together, it'll be a shame to break them up with Joker finally gets here
I had no problem with changing the mouth pieces on mine they seemed to go on and more importantly come off very easily as did the PERS section (that actually came off in my hand while I was futzing the cape but I dont mind it being a little loose if it is as it means I can change the expression without having to take the whole figure out)
Like I said I'm very very happy today he really is an awesome figure