Super Freak
When I seen yours, I was thinking it was a waist hugger like the Superman, that's why I assumed there would be indentation since it has the spring it. I'm really glad the dents are just about gone. But as I was examining it earlier, I noticed on the top rear of the left boot there is a 1/4 inch crack in it. I know I didn't do that since I've been very careful with it. I've thought about picking another one up but with all the things people reported, for things I'm nitpicking at I still think I should be thankful for what I got.
It is like the Superman stand, it's the New Goblin stand from Spiderman 3. That's a totally different kind of waist hugger, it has strips of soft rubber inside of the clamp. I was talking about the wire ones that fit into the Hot Toys stand like the forked one does.
This is an older HT stand.

You can see the little protective strips inside the clamp.

EDIT: I'd like to pick up another cape but I haven't seen any parted it out on eBay.
Toy Anxiety parted some out. But they go fast. You have to keep an eye on their thread in the Dealers section.
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