Hot Toys DX09 - BATMAN - Batman (Michael Keaton) - Specs & Pics

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You probably have a glue issue.

1) You can try wiggling it to loosen the glue or open up for inspection.
2) It snaps and your left with a broken PERS system.

That's about you're only 2 options unless you take it back to the store.

Let's say that it is in fact a glue issue. How could I tell if that was the problem, and how would I go about fixing it without breaking the PERS?
This is the system here. The hole in the middle is where the stick enters like a ball joint. When you move the stick around it in turn moves that whole bridge that the eye's are attached to. Making the eye's move around at the same time in tandem.

The problem, is that the eye's are attached to that bridge with small plastic rods that feed through like a hinge on a gate post (best example I can think of).

When these snap the bridge comes away from the eyeball completely and you have one end attached and one end broken, hence why one eye moves and the other does not. This is the most common problem I believe, in my internet searches.

The simplest solution is to just do away with the stick and bridge completely and just have 2 sticks coming from each eye. You can still mod it this way but it will obviously effect the resale value.

Although that system is miles better than which ever monkey thought this would be a stable design.

The only other alternative is to reattach the eyes back to the bridge.

Let's say that it is in fact a glue issue. How could I tell if that was the problem, and how would I go about fixing it without breaking the PERS?

You would have to unscrew the 4 points on the plate with a jewelers screw driver (cheap, might even have one). If the eye's are attached, your PERS system should be fine. You could try a hair dryer to loosen up the workings. I can't see it causing damage if you take it slow and steady but it's on you.
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****. Now I don't want to mess with any PERS ever. Don't even wanna mess with the joystick on Batman anymore.

Only other question I have is about switching hands. I switch hands on SSC stuff all the time, no fear or anything. Are HT hands worse to deal with? Anything I need to be aware of?
****. Now I don't want to mess with any PERS ever. Don't even wanna mess with the joystick on Batman anymore.

Only other question I have is about switching hands. I switch hands on SSC stuff all the time, no fear or anything. Are HT hands worse to deal with? Anything I need to be aware of?

Don't let me dishearten you. The system does work although I still think it's flawed. In my opinion, he looks outstanding just staring forward anyway. PERS is a gimmic to me. I actually broke mine showing my little sister - IDIOT! :slap

Hands are fine. Just either use your hand around a cloth/T-shirt or gently with some pliers. It's quite hard to damage the pegs. :wink1:
Don't let me dishearten you. The system does work although I still think it's flawed. In my opinion, he looks outstanding just staring forward anyway. PERS is a gimmic to me. I actually broke mine showing my little sister - IDIOT!

Hands are fine. Just either use your hand around a cloth/T-shirt or gently with some pliers. It's quite hard to damage the pegs.

I'd rather have him looking forward than breaking the PERS and having a lazy eye. Unless someone has a better idea of fixing them, I'm just leaving them be. Probably won't mess with Joker's much either.

And good. The holes in the hands just seemed really small and it made me think they'd be quite fragile.
I've got mine pers crashed in some crazy way.
No chance to fit it. Extremely poor engineering solution.

Placed him eyes from Jack Sparrow head A DX. They are brown, not grey. But fits OK. Tried to switch pers from Indiana Jones (grey and I'm not going to use that crappy head), but they are too big for Keaton.

Also, took eyes from Joker and hardened them this way using wires and epoxy glue. Quite safe.
Made the same thing with all PERS in my collection.

And the last thing: can't understand why no one offers some custom cloak for him. The one from HotToys is simply disaster, very thick and ugly, imho. I think I will try to find some very thin leather and make it myself.

Anyway, great figure.
But PERS should be done another way. Everywhere. Big disappointment.
That's a perfect picture of my explanation. You can see the eye has come away and the little rod has snapped. Looks like the pins on Jack are metal though. A much better decision.

I agree on everything but the cloak, I quite like it! :)
Yep, no PERS for me. I'll make sure Joker's eyes are straight and never mess with it again. Can't say I'm super heartbroken over it. Slightly annoyed.
Pins on Batman made of metal too, they are sticking to my magnet screwdriver. :) But eyes connection points are awful! ><

This cloak is great for Batman: Returns closed body display or for flying pose, but in Batman he was mostly like that:
And it looks bad like that. Well, it's just my opinion anyway. ;)
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many thanks all for those pictures and the explanation! this is a great figure but let down by the i am scared to move the pers on my DX04 bruce lee....i hope HT improve the system from DX10 onwards.......

i managed to open the back bascially my right eye broke was because one of the 2 plastic parts that small rod goes through is shattered, the onther one is still intacted but the rod came loose. i am not gonna bother fixing it, just adjust the right eye manually instead.... i can also see plastic part the holds the rod in place for the left eye is cracked i guess sooner or later it was shatter as well...

i think HT can solve the problem if they use metal for the whole frame instead of flimsy plastic!
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Don't let me dishearten you. The system does work although I still think it's flawed. In my opinion, he looks outstanding just staring forward anyway. PERS is a gimmic to me. I actually broke mine showing my little sister - IDIOT! :slap

Hands are fine. Just either use your hand around a cloth/T-shirt or gently with some pliers. It's quite hard to damage the pegs. :wink1:
That's how I feel about the whole PERS thing. It's a nice gimmic but he looks fine just looking forward. I didn't mess with it much before but after reading about all the troubles people have been having with it I've decided just not to mess with it at all. Safer that way.
i always have mine looked to the side...and i think he looks rather good like that. haha

Ironically for this piece I guess an exception can be made since he can't move his head and the side stare was a large part of the character.

That's how I feel about the whole PERS thing. It's a nice gimmic but he looks fine just looking forward.

yup, I think the CR superman proves that.
I have 6 PERS figures and with minimal movement, I have never had problems, never needed to take these damned things apart or fiddle with them in any way...

So I can really feel for the freaks that are having this because I would be gutted if it was happening to me, but a thought did occur to me.

I know that there are dozens of genius level mod'ers on here so if this sounds like a load of old drivel...please just let me know (prepares for the sea of :slap's) Would something as simple as a bit of carefully applied WD40 (light lubricant oil) help things here? careful application with a cotton bud (Q-Tip) and capillary action should ensure that it gets into the nooks and crannies.

I am not say that I have tried it I HAVE NOT And I am not saying for other do is just a thought I am putting to more experienced mod'ers.
i managed to open the back bascially my right eye broke was because one of the 2 plastic parts that small rod goes through is shattered

Yep, that'd be me and also the main problem with most searches I've come across.

My theory is that because the rod controls both eye's via one bridge, I think it's possible to twist/turn it in a way that causes strain in opposite directions and one eye has to give under the strain.

It's the only explanation why these would stop working as I'm pretty sure we are extremely careful with our figures!

Would something as simple as a bit of carefully applied WD40

It could do, although I'm not sure if that would help with a glue issue. Couldn't do any harm if you were careful. :)
And the last thing: can't understand why no one offers some custom cloak for him. The one from HotToys is simply disaster, very thick and ugly, imho. I think I will try to find some very thin leather and make it myself.

Hmm I gotta disagree with you. Yeah, the cape is a pain in the ass to futz and lay right but In think HT did a great job sourcing material for the cape. The leathery look on the outside of the cape looks fantastic and fits this scale perfectly. Just do what Bats and Jokes said and take out the lining and wire. That's what I did and it make it loads better. Doesn't look all thick and you don't spend hours futzing the damn thing.
Oh and someone did try to do a custom cape for him but the material he found didn't work at all. It's hard to find something that matches.

Good job on the PERS btw.
Hot Toys DX09 - BATMAN - Stand Paint

The dark yellow is for my Batman DX stands, while the light yellow is on the Joker's DX stand!
Is that common...or did Hot Toys mess up with the paint?

Re: Hot Toys DX09 - BATMAN - Stand Paint

The dark yellow is for my Batman DX stands, while the light yellow is on the Joker's DX stand!
Is that common...or did Hot Toys mess up with the paint?


Mine stands looks exactly the same... No diference between the batman and the joker one.